Gov. Ventura's relationship with public school teachers soured last year after he proposed a modest increase in K-12 education funding, then suggested teachers should not be allowed to strike. Union leaders say Ventura's budget balancing plan would put financially strapped schools in even greater peril. They'll advocate this session for the creation of an optional, statewide health care plan for teachers.
Christine Jax, Commissioner of the Department of Children, Families & Learning. Listen (Midday - 3/6/02) Rep. Alice Seagren, chair, Education K-12 finance committee. Listen . (Midday - 1/29/02) Gov. Ventura defends early childhood cuts. Listen. (Midmorning - 1/29/02) U of M President Mark Yudof.Listen - Midmorning (1/16/02) Finance Commissioner Pam Wheelock. Listen - Midday (1/11/02)