Peter S. Fisher, Associate Professor
and Alan H. Peters, Assistant Professor
Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
This report is based on a study conducted by the authors and funded by the W.E. Upjohn
Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Over the past several years, there has been a great deal of "revisionist" research
on the effects of economic development programs at the state and local level. There
is now substantial evidence that programs to attract jobs by lowering business costs
are more effective than previously thought and are likely to provide some long-term benefits
to the locality in the form of lower unemployment and higher annual earnings. Some,
such as Bartik (in his book Who Benefits from State and Local Industrial Policies?), have gone beyond this to argue that such local policies are beneficial for the nation
as a whole to the extent that the incentives are concentrated in relatively low-growth
or high-unemployment regions, since the benefits of jobs created there will exceed the benefits lost by not creating jobs in low-unemployment areas.
Whether competitive state and local economic development policy enhances the welfare
of the nation as a whole depends crucially on whether incentives do affect location
and where such incentives are offered. Previous research has provided only limited,
and somewhat contradictory, evidence on the latter issue. This paper reports the results
of a two-year study sponsored by the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
on the question: Are the economic development incentives offered by states and cities
significantly higher in high-unemployment places? In other words, is there evidence
that the end result of competition for jobs could be a redistribution of jobs to
regions that would benefit the most?
It is reasonable to assume that the states and municipalities with the highest unemployment
face the greatest political pressure to create jobs; thus one might expect that they
offer the largest incentives. On the other hand, high unemployment and slow job growth are likely to coincide with fiscal distress, a declining tax base and reduced
capacity to support new expenditure initiatives. Furthermore, many of these programs
are tax expenditures and thus escape scrutiny during the annual budget process; once
enacted, perhaps during a recession, they may persist long after their political,
no less economic, rationale has disappeared.
In our research, we measure competition among places based on the dollar value of
the locality's standing incentive offer to industrial firms expanding or locating
in that locality. The standing offer includes the whole range of competitive incentives
over which state or local governments have some direct control: income tax investment
and jobs credits, property tax abatements, sales tax exemptions, grants, loans, loan
guarantees, and firm-specific job-training and infrastructure subsidies. Since incentives may be embedded in tax codes, and since the value of incentives to a firm must be
measured net of income tax effects, we also model the federal corporate income tax,
each state's and city's corporate income and net worth taxes, the major state and
local sales taxes paid by business, and local property taxes.
The present study uses the hypothetical firm method to measure the value of competitive
incentives. We constructed financial statements for 16 hypothetical firms, representing
the characteristics of a typical large and small firm in each of eight fast-growing manufacturing industries. The model then measures the net returns on a new plant
investment, after state, local and federal taxes, and after state and local competitive
incentives. The new plant is located in one of 24 states, the 24 that account for
the most manufacturing employment in the United States, and in one of 112 cities, randomly
selected from within these 24 states. (Together, these 24 states account for about
87 percent of U.S. manufacturing employment.) The effect of multistate taxation is
modeled because our firms can be given multistate locations. The difference between
returns on investment with incentives and returns with only basic taxes modeled measures
the value to the firm of the incentives offered. Calculations are done over a 20-year period to capture the full effects of incentives. Project returns are the incremental
value of cash flow over the 20-year period.
Is there significant variation in returns across locations?
Is there sufficient variation in returns on investment across states and cities so that tax and incentive differences could plausibly affect location decisions? If incentives have little effect on the profitability of plant location at different sites, there is little reason to worry about their potential effects in terms of redistributing employment.
Table 1 provides summary information on project returns for each of the 16 firms at
the 112 city locations. The coefficient of variation and range both suggest that
there are substantial differences in returns among sites. For instance, there is
a $1.1 million 20-year cash flow difference between a small furniture and fixtures firm investing
a new plant in the least profitable city and the most profitable city. For the large
drugs firm, the difference is $58.7 million, for the large motor vehicles firm, a
huge $76.7 million. Clearly, these differences are substantively significant--but are
they significant enough to influence location decisions?
The last two columns of Table 1 translate the range between the best and worst cities
into wage equivalent figures. Given the level of employment modeled for each plant,
and assuming that all employees work a 40-hour week over a 50-week year, what is
the present value wage equivalent of the range? For some firms, the results are startling.
For the small industrial machinery firm, the differences between the best and worst
site translate into an average hourly wage decrease, for the full 20-year period,
of $1.09, or an annual per employee decrease in wages of $2,184. For large drugs firms
the numbers are even greater ($1.84 an hour, $3,679 a year). For most firms modeled,
the range is equivalent to around $1 in hourly wages. Thus it seems reasonable to
conclude that, at least at the extremes, taxes and incentives are potentially large enough
to influence location decisions. The worst cities are substantially worse than the
best cities.
Nevertheless, for most states and cities, small changes to their tax and incentives
systems are unlikely to make much of a competitive difference. Figure 1 plots net
returns across the 112 cities for a single firm type: a small industrial machinery
firm making a $10 million new investment. It is immediatley clear that focusing on city rank
positions, as is commonly done in the business climate literature, distorts the true
impact of taxes and incentives on project returns. In hourly wage terms, most cities
are separated from the city just above them in rank by less than a penny. We doubt
such separation is substantively significant. In fact, a rank position change of
as many as 20 places often represents less than a 25 cent difference in hourly wages.
To what extent does the provision of tax incentives and other incentives such as grants,
loans, loan guarantees, tax increment financing instruments and so on, alter the
relative competitiveness of a city's position? Figure 2 presents the data for the
29 cities offering the best returns to the small industrial machinery firm. Tax incentives
and other incentives often play an important role in ameliorating the burden of a
state and city's basic tax structure. Thus, merely looking at the basic tax structure
misrepresents the true competitiveness of a city and state. It should be noted here
that we found that other incentives seem to play a bigger role for small firms than
for big firms. Other incentives seldom significantly improve the returns offered
by a city and state to a big firm. Finally, tax incentives and other incentives do not level
the playing field: We found no evidence to suggest that states and cities with less
competive tax structures tend to offer more incentives. On the contrary, many states
and cities with low basic taxes also have high tax incentives and other incentives.
Three tentative conclusions emerge: (1) The differences in investment returns across
states and cities due to tax and incentive differences are quite substantial, and
it is certainly plausible that these differences are large enough to influence location
choices; (2) the magnitude of incentives, relative to returns after taxes but without
incentives, is substantial; and (3) incentive competition per se is not producing
convergence across sites, but if anything is increasing inter-site differences.
Are returns higher in high-unemployment cities?
Our sample of cities was stratified into four city population size classes: (1) 500,000
or more, (2) 100,000 to 499,999, (3) 25,000 to 99,999 and (4) 10,000 to 24,999. Since
the sampling percentages and response rates varied by size class, some results are shown separately for each of the four classes.
The relation between project returns and city unemployment rate is shown in Table
2 in two different ways: (1) separately for five of the 16 firms (to illustrate the
range of differences across firms), using the average correlation for cities of all
sizes; and (2) separately for each of the four city size classes, showing the average correlation
across the 16 firms. Almost all of the correlations are weak. There is a consistently
negative relation between unemployment and returns after basic taxes (without any incentives); the highest-unemployment places have the highest tax burdens. There
is a consistently positive relation between unemployment and tax incentives: The
highest-unemployment places offer the largest state and local tax incentives. This
result is dominated by local property tax abatements and by enterprise zone incentives; we
deliberately allowed the largest incentives available in a city (which would be enterprise
zone incentives in the 40 percent of our cities with such zones) to represent the city as a whole. Considering discretionary incentives, there is no clear pattern
of providing inducements to shift jobs either toward or away from high-unemployment
The correlations do vary substantially by city size class. For the largest and smallest
cities, the basic tax system results in higher returns in low-unemployment places,
and the results are similar (but weaker) even after all incentives are included.
For the two middle size classes, however, the relation is ambiguous, with incentives more
clearly producing a pattern of returns more favorable to high-unemployment places.
The combined effects of statewide, citywide and enterprise-zone incentives are, in
a sense, sufficient (on average) to overcome the perversity of the state-local tax
system. But the end result is a pattern of returns on investment that is essentially
random: There is no discernible tendency for returns to be more attractive in high-unemployment
or in low-unemployment places.
Conclusions: The national benefits of competitive economic development policy
While the results for incentives lend some rather weak support to the hypothesis that
incentive competition produces a spatial pattern of returns that favors places with
more severe unemployment, this conclusion is tempered, if not negated, by considering
the overall pattern of after-tax returns. State tax systems exhibit a strong tendency
to skew returns on new industrial investment in a perverse direction, producing higher
after-tax returns in states with lower unemployment rates, other things equal. This perverse pattern is offset to a degree by local taxes, which tend to be more favorable
in states and cities with higher unemployment. The addition of tax incentives at
the state and local level clearly helps tilt returns more in favor of distressed
areas, and the inclusion of discretionary incentives also helps to a degree, but not consistently
across city sizes and firms. However, the incentives taken in the aggregate are still
not enough to clearly offset the effects of state taxes.
The end result is a spatial pattern of returns on new investment that bears little
or no relation to the spatial pattern of unemployment. It appears that, after at
least a decade and a half of intense competition for investment and jobs, and the
widespread adoption of pro-development tax policies and development programs, states and cities
have produced a system of taxes and incentives that provides no clear inducement
for firms to invest in higher-unemployment places.
These results are consistent with the following two arguments (though they certainly
cannot be taken as proof of either one): (1) State and local economic development
incentives are adopted for a variety of reasons, high unemployment being one, but
slow growth and simple imitation of other states being more important reasons; and (2) even
where economic distress, as measured by high unemployment, provided the original
political impetus to incentive adoption, incentives are likely to persist even if
state economic performance improves.
What about the arguments that competition enhances efficiency? While our research
does not address this issue explicitly, it has made one thing very clear: The characteristics
of the firm can make a large difference. A state that appears very high in the rankings for a large, multistate automobile manufacturer may be near the bottom for
a small, high-profit electronics firm. The sectoral patterns that emerge are surely
not deliberate on the part of state policy-makers. It is unlikely that the implications
of particular tax policies or programs for different industrial sectors are even considered,
even less that the end result can be taken as the expression of some well-thought-out
state industrial policy. But the fact of the matter is, there is probably as little rhyme or reason to the spatial preferences for different industries embodied
in the pattern of returns after taxes and incentives in 1992 than there was in the
pattern of after-tax returns in 1972. It is difficult to argue that two decades of
competition has produced a more efficient pattern of location inducements.
To the extent that tax and incentive competition results in a redistribution of jobs,
our research lends little or no support to the argument that this redistribution
has beneficial effects for the nation as a whole, shifting jobs from places with
low unemployment to places with high unemployment. Neither can we say that it is clearly harmful,
providing inducements to redistribute jobs in the opposite direction. Of course,
one can only speculate as to the counterfactual: what the spatial pattern of returns
on investment in 1992 would have looked like had states and cities never undertaken
to influence their economic fortunes by offering inducements to industry in competition
with one another. If this pattern would have been distinctly counterproductive, with higher returns in lower-unemployment places, then one could conclude that competition
has at least nullified such effects.