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Reprinted from Frances Densmore and American Indian Music, a memorial volume compiled and edited by Charles Hofmann.
For related information, see:
"The Music of the American Indians," Overland Monthly, (Mar., 1905), 230-34. "The Songs of the Indian," Indian School Journal, V (Oct., I905), 31-32. "Songs of the Brown Children," Indian Friend, XVIII (Dec., 1905), 2. "A Plea for the Indian Harmonization of All Indian Songs," Indian School Journal, VI (Feb., 1906), 14-15. "Scale Formation in Primitive Music," American Anthropologist, XL (Jan.-March, 1909), 1-12. "Preservation of Indian Music," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1914. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1915) 81-85. "The Study of Indian Music," Musical Quarterly, I (Apr., 1915), 187-97. "Study of Indian Music," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1915. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1916), 103-107. "Study of Indian Music," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1916. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1917), 108-11. "Recent Developments in the Study of Indian Music," in Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Americanists. Washington: 1917. pp. 298-301. Reprinted under title: "Study of Indian Music." Scientific American Supplement, LXXXV (Apr. 20, 1918), 253-54. Reprinted under revised title: Etude, XXXVIII (Oct., 1920), 670. "Indian Music," Native American, XXII (March 26, 1921), 69-73. "Indian Music," El Palacio, X (June 15, 1921), 3-9. "Music in the Treatment of the Sick by American Indians," Hygeia, I (Apr., 1923), 29-30. "Field Studies of Indian Music," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1923. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1924), 119-27. "Rhythm in the Music of the American Indian," in Separate des Annaes XX Congresso Internacional de Americanistas. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional (1924), 85-88. "The Music of the American Indians," Science, LXII (Dec. 18, 1925), 565-66. The American Indians and Their Music. New York: Woman's Press, 1926. 143 pp. Revised Edition under same title: New York: Woman's Press, 1937. 150 pp. "The Songs of the Indians," American Mercury, VII (Jan., 1926), 65-68. Condensed under same title: Minneapolis Tribune (Jan. 3, 1926) 2:5-6. "A Popular View of Indian Songs," Woman's Press, XX (Sept., 1926), 648-49. Handbook of the Collection of Musical Instruments in the United States National Museum. Washington: United States National Museum, Bulletin 136, 1927. 164 pp. "Field Studies of Indian Music," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1926. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1927), 247-54. "The Study of Indian Music in the Nineteenth Century," American Anthropologist, XXIX:I (Jan.-Mar., 1927), 77-86. "Musical Composition Among the American Indians," American Speech, II (June, 1927), 393-94. "How the Indian Seeks Power Through Dream Music," Musical America, LVI (June 11, 1927) 3, 20. "The Use of Music in the Treatment of the Sick by American Indians," Musical Quarterly, XIII (Oct., 1927), 555-65. "The Melodic Formation of Indian Songs," Journal of the Washington Academy of Science, XVIII (Jan. 4, 1928), 16-24. "Some Results of the Study of Indian Music," Praktika de l'Academie d'Athenes, III (1928), 347 ff. Reprinted under same title: Journal of the Washington Academy of Science XVIII (Aug. 19, 1928), 395-408. "What Intervals Do Indians Sing?" American Anthropologist, XXXI (Apr.-June, 1929), 271- 76. "New Aspects of American Indian Music," Etude, XLVIII (Jan., 1930), 11-12. "Peculiarities in the Singing of the American Indians," American Anthropologist, XXXII (Oct.-Dec. 1930), 651-60. "Pine Music of the American Indians at Public Gatherings," Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, XX ( Dec. 19, 1930), 509-10 (abstract). Reprinted in full: Musical Quarterly, XVII (Oct., 1931), 464-79. "The Music of the North American Indians," in XXV Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, 1932, Separata de las Actas. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de la Plata, 1934. Tomo I, pp. 119-26, English translation. "On 'Expression' in Indian Singing," American Anthropologist, XXXVI (July-Sept., 1934 ), 487-88. "'Four Saints' and Some American Indian Music," Musical America, XII (Aug., 1934), 12. "The Songs of Indian Soldiers During the World War (I)," Musical Quarterly, X (Oct., 1934), 419-425. "The Influence of Hymns on the Form of Indian Songs," American Anthropologist, Xl (Jan.-Mar., 1938), 175-77. "The Use of the Term 'tetrachord' in Musicology," Journal of Musicology, I (March, 1940), 16 -21. "La Musica de los Indios Norteamericanos," Boletin Latino-Americano de Musica, V (Oct., 1941), 363-68 (Trans: Francisco Curt Lange.) "The Study of Indian Music," in Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year Ended June 30, 1941. Washington: 1942. pp. 527-50. "Traces of Foreign influences in the Music of the American Indians," American Anthropolog,. XLVI (Jan.- Mar., 1944), 106-12. "The Importance of Recordings of Indian Songs," American Anthropologist, XLVII (Oct.- Dec., 1945), 637-39. "Imitative Dances Among the American Indians," Journal of American Folklore, LX (Jan.-Mar., 1947), 73-78. "The Use of Music in the Treatment of the Sick by American Indians," in Music and Medicine, Dorothy M. Schullian and Max Schoen. New York: Henry Schuman, 1948. pp. 25-46. Reprinted under same title: Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year Ended June 30, 1952. Washington: 1953, pp. 439-54. "What the Indians Knew About 'Music Therapy'," Musical Courier, CXXXVII (Mar. 15, 1948), 5. "The Importance of the Mental Concept in Indian Art," Masterkey, XXII (May, 1948), 96-99. (Special reference to the Chippewa.) "Folksongs of the American Indians," Masterkey, XXIV (Jan.-Feb., 1950), 14-18. "Three Parallels Between the Seminole Indians and the Ancient Greeks," Masterkey, XXV (May-June, 1951), 76-78. "Technique in the Music of the American Indians," in Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 151, Anthropological Papers, No. 36. Washington: 1953, pp. 211-16. "The Belief of the Indian in a Connection Between Song and the Supernatural," in Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 151, Anthropological Papers, No. 37. Washington: 1953, pp. 217-23 "Use of Indian Music," Musical America LXXIII (Apr. 1, 1953), 15. "Importance of Rhythm in Songs for the Treatment of the Sick by American Indians," Scientific Monthly, LXXIX (Aug., 1954), 109-12. "The Music of the American Indian," Southern Folklore Quarterly, XVIII (Sept., 1954), 153-56. Reprinted under same title: Readings in Anthropology 11, Cultural Anthropology, Morton H. Fried (Ed.). New York: Crowell, 1959. pp. 491-95. "Examples of American Indian Songs," Perspectives USA, XVI (Summer, 1956), 201-204. II. AREA STUDIES "The Music of the Filipinos," American Anthropologist , VIII (Oct.-Dec., 1906), 611-32. "The Song of Minagunz the Ojibwa," Indian School Journal, VII (Nov. 1906), 23-25. "Two Dakota Songs," Indian School Journal, VII (April, 1907), 32-34. Music, illus. "An Onondaga Thanksgiving Song," Indian School Journal, VII (June., 1907), 23-24. Chippewa Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 45 (1910), 216 pp. Chippewa Music II. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 53 (1913), 341 pp. Music, illus. "Music in Its Relation to the Religious Thought of the Teton Sioux," in Anthropologica Essays Presented to William Henry Holmes, F W Hodge (Ed.). Washington: J. W Bryan, 1916. pp. 67-79. Teton Sioux Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 61 (1918) 561 pp. "The Rhythm of Sioux and Chippewa Music," Art and Archaeology, IX (Feb., 1920) 59-67. "Music of the Papago and Pawnee," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian in 1920. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1921) pp. 102-107. Northern Ute Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 75 (1922) 213 pp. Music, illus. Mandan and Hidatsa Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 80 (1923) 192 pp. Music, illus. "Study of the Tule Indian Music," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1924. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1925) pp. 115-27. "Studies of Indian Music Among the Menominee of Wisconsin," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1925. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, (1926) pp. 119 - 25. Music of the Tule Indians of Panama. Washington: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 77, No. 11 (1926) 39. Music, illus. "Recording Songs of the Indian Whalers," Philadelphia Public Ledger, Nov. 28, 1926, Magazine Section, 6. (Makah Indians, Neah Bay, Straits of Juan de Fuca.) "Music of the Winnebago Indians," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1927. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1928) pp.183-88. "Music of the Winnebago and Menominee Indians of Wisconsin," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1928. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1929) pp. 189-98. Papago Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin go (1929) 229 pp. Pawnee Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 93 (1929) 129 pp. "Music of the Winnebago, Chippewa, and Pueblo Indians," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1930. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1931) pp. 217-24. Menominee Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 102 (1932) 230 pp. Music, illus. Yuman and Yaqui Music Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 110 (1932) 216 pp. Music, illus. "Recording Indian Music," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1931. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1932) pp. 183-90. (Seminole) "The Native Music of American Samoa," American Anthropologist, XXXIV (July-Sept., 1932), 415-17. "A Resemblance Between Yuman and Pueblo Songs," American Anthropologist, XXIV (Oct.-Dec., 1932), 694-700. "Recording Seminole Songs in Florida," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1932. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1933) pp. 93-96. "New Spirituals Spring Into Life in the South," Musical America, XI (Nov. 25, 1933), II . "Studying Indian Music in the Gulf States," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1933. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1934) pp.57-59. "A Study of Indian Music in the Gulf States," American Anthropologist, XXXVI (July 1934), 386-88. "A Study of Cheyenne and Arapaho Music," Masterkey, IX ( Nov., 1935), 187-89. Cheyenne and Arapaho Music. Los Angeles: Southwest Museum Papers, No. 10 (1936) Music, illus. "The Alabama Indians and Their Music," in Publications of the Texas Folk-Lore Society, No 13, J Frank Dobie (Ed.). Austin: 1937. pp.270-93. Music. Music of Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico. Los Angeles: Southwest Museum Papers, No. 12 (1938) 186 pp. Music. Nootka and Quileute Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 124 (1939) 358 pp. Music, illus. "Musical Instruments of the Maidu Indians," American Anthropologist, Anthropologist, (Jan.-Mar., 1939), 113-18. "A Search for Songs Among the Chitimacha Indians in Louisiana," in Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 133, Anthropological Papers, No. 19. Washington: 1943. pp. 1-15. "Music of the Indians of British Columbia," in Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 136, Anthropological Papers, No. 27. Washington: 1943. pp. I-99. "Choctaw Music," in Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 136, Anthropological Papers, No. 28. Washington, 1943. pp. 101-88. "The Survival of Omaha Songs," American Anthropologist, XLVI (July-Sept., 1944), 418-20. "The Origin of a Siwash Song," American Anthropologist, XLVII (Jan.-Mar., 1945), 173 - 75. A Study of Some Michigan Indians. Ann Arbor: Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 1, 1949. 41 pp. Seminole Music. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 161 (1956) 251 pp. Music, illus. III. ETHNOLOGY "The Song and the Silence of the Red Man (Story of the Ghost Dance)," Minneapolis Journal, May 23, 1903, II. "Ke-wa-kun-ah, the Homeward Way," Indian School Journal, VI (May, 1906), 18-19. "An Ojibwa Council Fire," Indian School Journal, VII (Dec., 1906), 21-24. illus. "An Ojibwa Prayer Ceremony," American Anthropologist, IX (Apr.-June, 1907), 443-44. "Death of Flatmouth, Chief of the Chippewas," Indian School Journal, VIII (Dec., 1907), 11-15. Illus. "Study of Chippewa Material Culture," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1917. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1918) pp. 95-100. "Material Culture Among the Chippewa," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1918. Washington: Smithsonian Institution (1919) pp. 114-18. "Conscious Effort Toward Physical Perfection Among the Makah Indians," American Anthropologist, XXV (Oct.-Dec., 1923), 564-67. "The Language of the Makah Indians," American Speech, II (Jan., 1927), 237. "Indian Love Music," St. Paul (Minn.,) Dispatch, October 18, 1927, 14:7. "Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians," in 44th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 1926-27. Washington: (1928), pp. 275-397. "The True Story of a Little Stone Image," American Anthropologist, XXX (Apr.-June, 1928), 311-13. "Plea Against the False Romance Cloaking the American Indian," Christian Science Monitor (July 25, 1928), 5 :1-4. "A Winnebago Explanation of Effigy Mounds," American Anthropologist, XXX (Oct.-Dec., 1928), 730-31. Chippewa Customs. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 86 (1929), 204 pp. "Tribal Customs of the Menominee Indians of Wisconsin," in Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1929. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, (1930) pp. 2I7 - 22. "Winnebago Beliefs Concerning the Dead," American Anthropologist, XXXIII (Oct.-Dec., 1931), 659 -60. "An Explanation of a Trick Performed by Indian Jugglers," American Anthropologist, XXXIV (Apr.-June, 1932), 310-14. "Chippewa Women Gathered Nature's Treasures for Their Varied Menus," Pioneer Press, Magazine, 2. (Nov. 25, 1934) "Modern Chippewa Handiwork," Minnesota Archaeologist, II (Aug., 1936), 1. "Native Songs of Two Hybrid Ceremonies Among the American Indians," American Anthropologist, XLIII (Jan.-Mar., 1941), 77-82. "The Native Art of the Chippewa," American Anthropologist, XLIII (Oct.-Dec., 1941), 678-81. A Collection of Specimens From the Teton Sioux. New York: Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, Indian Notes and Monographs, Vol. XI, No. 3 (1948) pp. 163-204. Illus. "Notes on the Indian's Belief in the Friendliness of Nature," Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, IV (Spring, 1948), 94-97. "The Music of the Sioux Indians," in National Folk Festival. St. Louis, Missouri: April, 1948. p.8:1. l "Quotations From J. N. B. Hewitt," American Anthropologist, LI (Apr.-June, 1949), 336-37. "Our Mandan Bull-Boat," Masterkey, XXIV (Jan.-Feb., 1950), 22-23. "Communication With the Dead As Practiced by the American Indians," Man, L (Apr., 1950), 40 - 41. "Winabojoand the Medicine Man: A Chippewa Legend," Gopher Historian, VI (Oct., 1951), 8-9.(Reprinted from Chippewa Customs.) The Collection of Water-Color Drawings of the North American Indian by Seth Eastman in the James Jerome Hill Reference Library, Saint Paul. St. Paul: (1954) 51 pp. "The Seminole Indian Today," Southern Folklore Quarterly, XVIII (Dec., 1954), 212-21. "The Indian's Belief in the Friendliness of Nature," Perspectives USA, XVI (Summer, 1956), 205. IV. SONG TEXTS Poems from Sioux and Chippewa Songs. Washington: Privately printed by the author, 1917. 23ff. (not paged). "Song of the Sun Dance (Sioux)," (words adapted by Frances Densmore from trans. by Robert Higheagle) and "My Lover Has Departed (Chippewa)," (words adapted by Frances Densmore from trans. by Mary Warren English) in Alberto Bimboni, Songs of American Indians . New York: G. Schirmer, 1917. Music. "American Indian Poetry," American Anthropologist, XXVIII (Apr., 1926), 447-49. "Poems From Desert Indians," Nation, CXII (Apr. 14, 1926), 407. "Thousands of Days Are Behind Me (with Poems from the American Indians)," Woman's Press, XX (Aug., 1926), 550-51. "Desert Indian Rain Chant, (Papago)," World Review, V (Nov. 21, 1927), 151. "The Desert Shrine; Christmas Verses on American Indians," Woman's Press, XXI (Dec., 1927), 860. "The Words of Indian Songs," Community Arts and Crafts, II (May, 1929), 10-12. "The Poetry of Indian Songs," in So Live the Works of Men; Seventieth Anniversary Volume Honoring Edgar Lee Hewett, [Donald D. Brand and Fred E. Harvey (Eds.). Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press (1939) pp. 121-30. "The Use of Meaningless Syllables in Indian Songs," American Anthropologist, XLV (Jan.-Mar., 1943), 160-62. "Song of an Indian Gold Star Mother," (poem) in Poet, V (May, 1948), 9. "The Sun Dance," (poem) in Minnesota Archaeologist, XVI (Apr., 1950), 8-9. "The Words of Indian Songs as Unwritten Literature," Journal of American Folklore, LXIII (Oct.-Dec., 1950), 450-58. "Poems From the American Indian," in This Is America, Max Herzberg (Ed.). New York: Pocket Books, 1951, (c. 1950). pp. 69-71. "Poems From Songs of the Sioux Indians," Gopher Historian, VI (Oct., 1951), 7. V. WORKS PRIMARILY FOR CHILDREN "The Life of Blackbird the Omaha," American Boy, V (Feb., 1904), 108. "The Story of an Indian Arrow Point," Youth, IV (Mar., 1905), 171-73. "Little Gray Hawk's Vision Song," Youth, IV (July, 1905), 321-24. "An Indian Hunter's Revenge," American Boy, VI (Oct., 1905), 365-66. "Two Little Igorote Musicians," Youth's Companion, LXXX (Sept. 6, 1906). Indian Action Songs. Boston: C. C. Birchard, 1921. 12 pp. Reprinted 1948. Two Indian Legends Dramatized for Children (The Race of the Ants and [low the Turtles Went to War). New York: Woman's Press, 1926. 28 pp. "The Music of the Indian," Music and Youth, I (Jan.,1926), 104. (From Chippewa Music.) "Sep---An Indian Song-Game," Music and Youth, I (May, 1926), 229-251. "The Song of Red Fox," Music and Youth, II (Jan, 1927), 99-100. "A Visit to the Chippewa Indians, I, II, III," Christian Science Monitor (July 8, 15, 22, 1929), 6:1-5. "The Opossum and Her Baby," American Childhood, XX (Nov., 1934), 31. (Seminole.) "Inside the Wigwam," series in Junior Natural History Magazine: "Inside the Wigwam (Stories of the Chippewa Indians)," X (Feb., 1946}, 7, 15. Inside the Wigwam (Stories of the Chippewa Indians)," XI (Mar., 1946), 12. "Inside the Wigwam (The Rich Turtle)," XI (Apr., 1946), 7, 12. "Inside the Wigwam (The Rabbits and the Frogs)," XI (May, 1946), 14. "Inside the Wigwam (Stones of the Chippewa Indians)," XI (June, 1946), 12. "The Coon and the Bear," XI (July, 1946), 8. VI. MISCELLANEOUS "The Boyhood of Mendelssohn," Musician, VI (July, 1901), 197. "The Indian Problem of Today," Indian's Friend, XVII (Sept., 1904), 2. "Indian Education in Government Schools," Overland Monthly, XLVI (Nov., 1905), 456-60. The Plea of Our Brown Brother, and Ke-wa-kun-ah, the Homeward Way. Chilocco, Oklahoma: Indian Print Shop, 1906, 7f., 2 pl. (not paged). "Geronimo's Song," Indian School Journal, VI (Apr., 1906), 30-31. "Sand-Lime Brick," Scientific American Supplement, LXII (Aug. 25, 1906), 25621-22. "Three Indian Types," Indian School Journal, VI (Oct., 1906), 34. Illus. "The Garrard Family in Frontenac," Minnesota History, XIV (Mar., 1933), 31-43. "The American Indian at Work," Wigwam, I (Mar., 1934), 10, 13. "George A. West. Tobacco, Pipes and Smoking Customs of the American Indians," Minnesota History, XV (Dec., 1934), 453-54. (Review.) "Arthur Olaf Andersen. Geography and Rhythm," Journal of American Folklore, L (Apr.--June, 1937), 201-202. (Review.) "Maurice Matteson. Beech Mountain Folk-Songs and Ballads," Journal of American Folklore, L (July-Sept., 1937), 299. (Review.) "A Minnesota Missionary Journey of 1893," Minnesota History, XX (Sept., 1939), 310-13. "G. E. E. Lindquist. Thc Indian in American Life," American Historical Review, 1 (Jan., 1945), 401-402. (Review.) "Prelude to the Study of Indian Music in Minnesota," Minnesota Archaeologist, Xl (Apr., 1945),27 - 31. "Early Material on Sioux and Dakota," American Anthropologist, LI (July-Sept., 1949), 530. "For the Sake of Indian Songs," Masterkey, XXIX (Jan.-Feb., 1955), 27-29. "Preserving the Indian Tongue," Talking Machine World, V (Dec. 15, 1909), 24. VII. WORKS ABOUT FRANCES DENSMORE "Miss Densmore and Indian Music (Washington Star)," Music News, VIII (July 14, 1916), 14-15. Davis, Emily C. "Music in the Treatment of the Sick by American Indians," Springfield (Mass.) Republican (May 1, 1927) 12. Anon. "Indian Music Form of Prayer, Woman Asserts," Minnesota Archaeologist 11 (Dec., 1936), 4-7. (Reprinted from St. Paul Dispatch (July 30, 1936)). Anon. "Whoop Collector," Time, XXXII (Nov. 7, 1938), 25. Crane, Edward. "She Collects War Whoops," Etude, LIX (Oct., 1941), 672, 718, 720. Hofmann, Charles. "Frances Densmore and the Music of the American Indian," Journal of American Folklore, LIX (Jan.-Mar., 1946), 45-50. Anon. "A Saga of American Ethnological Research," Musical Courier, CXXXVII (Mar. 15, 1948), 5. Anon. "Indian Archive," Musical America, LXIX (Dec. 15, 1949), 9. "Frances Densmore Honored," Masterkey, XXIV (Sept.-Oct., 1950), 168. Anon. "Presenting Indian Music. Sixty-Year Period---Frances Densmore," Pan Pipes of - - Sigma Alpha Iota, XLVIII (Jan., 1956), 28. - - Wahlin, Mary Lee. "Red Wing Woman Given Further Recognition for Life Work in Indian Music," Republican Eagle, Red Wing, Minnesota (March 5, 1956), 4:5-6. VIII. DISCOGRAPHY Seven 12" long-playing recordings of Indian music from the Smithsonian- Densmore Cylinder Collection have been released by the Recording Laboratory of the Music Division of the Library of Congress. Titles of these recordings, which are also the titles of the accompanying booklets, are: Songs of the Chippewa. L22, 1951. 19 pp. Songs of the Sioux. L23, 1952. 19 pp. Songs of the Yuma Cocopa and Yaqui. L24, 1952. 16 pp. Songs of the Pawnee and Northern Ute. L25, 1952. 21 pp. Songs of the Papago. L31. 1953. 16 pp. Songs of the Nootka and Quileute. L32, 1953. 20 pp. Songs of the Menominee Mandan and Hidatsa. L33, 1953. 20 pp. IX. BIBLIOGRAPHIES "Bibliography, Frances Densmore, 1901-1945," Journal of Musicology, IV (Dec., 1945, as of Fall and Winter 1942), 103-09. "Bibliography, Frances Densmore," (reprinted from Journal of Musicology, Vol. IV, Nos. 2 and 3), with "Addenda to Bibliography 1946-51," Minnesota Archaeologist XVII (Jan., 1951), 10-17. "Bibliography, Frances Densmore," Ethnomusicology Newsletter No. 7 (April, 1956), 13-29. X. UNPUBLISHED COMPLETED MANUSCRIPTS Bureau of American Ethnology: Songs of the Condoling and Installation Council of the League of the Iroquois. Recorded and described by J. N. B. Hewitt. (1932). Alibamu Music, (1933). Winnebago Music, (1940). Omaha Music, (1944). Musical Customs of the Southern Hunter Indians of South America. Compiled from Handbook of South American Indians. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 143, Vol. 1, 1946, (1948). National Archives: Handbook of the Smithsonian-Densmore Collection of American Indian Sound Recordings in the National Archives, (1943).