M A Y 23
Return to Lincoln Park
- Listen
"I look at my neighbors' houses and I cry."
Condemned Housing
- Listen
"A lot of them are hazardous, falling hazards."
M A Y 22
Home Sweet Trailer
- Listen
"It may be kind of crowded with six, but it beats sleeping in your car or somewhere else."
M A Y 16
Prom: Take My Breath Away
Transcript - Listen
"The only thing I got to grab was my dress - then the house went under completely."
M A Y 15
UND Opens for Summer Session
- Listen
"Think of the internship opportunities we're going to have available to our students as our community goes through this process."
M A Y 14
Small Businesses Reeling
- Listen
"I feel the business people are coming out on the short end of the stick."
Help Wanted: Electricians
- Listen
"Contractors have been coming to town that have
outstanding warrants against them."
Where to Take the Little Ones?
- Listen
"There's a lot to do, but we're talking about our kids."
M A Y 12
Grand Forks Herald Presses On
- Listen
"Our people found greatness they didn't know they had."
Future of Ada Health Facilities in Question
- Listen
"We need a clinic desperately, I think."
M A Y 9
On the Wrong Side of the New Dike
"Let 'em push it in and haul it away."
A Flood of Trash
- Listen
"Dump it in the street, dump it in the alley; wherever they want
it, we dump it."
M A Y 8
Second Angel Appears for Flood Victims
- Listen
"The first Angel's hope was that this would be a lead gift and
additional gifts might come in."
Not a Drop to Drink
- Listen
"Just because there's water at the tap doesn't mean it's gonna be good."
M A Y 6
A Visit to the Emergency Room
- Listen
"When United Hospital shut down, that was the living end."
M A Y 5
A Congregation in Grief and Hope
- Listen
"Maybe it will teach us we can't live by computers alone."
M A Y 1
Attending a Flood Recovery Fair in Bemidji
"When you figure out you can't save something that was really important
to you, that's the moment when you realize 'my life has changed.'"
Day of Prayer in Fargo
- Listen
"God has his ways of setting off the alarm clock and waking us up."
A P R I L 3 0
Homeowners Face the Costs
"It's hard enough for something like this to happen; and then to worry about financial situations."
Free Sand in Sioux Falls
Transcript - Listen
"As fast as the city hauls it in, people are right here to pick it up."
Striving for Normal in Breckenridge
- Listen
"It's getting bad when you say 'home' and mean your friend's basement."
A P R I L 2 9
The Long Wait to Return Home
"I hope we would find my house and it would still be in one piece."
Estimating the Damage in Grand Forks
- Listen
"Downtown Grand Forks looks like it's been through a battle.."
A P R I L 2 8
Volunteer Airlift
- Listen
Geo-political differences often become meaningless in times of crisis.
Back to School
- Listen
"You've got just any number of school kids who are going to be affected."
Services for the Stressed
Transcript -
"Psychologically, it's a huge thing to have happened to them."
Seeking New Paths to Disaster Recovery
- Listen
"We're really confronted with . . . close to a billion-dollar expense."
A P R I L 2 5
Communications for Evacuees
Part I: Video Conferencing in Bemidji
- Listen
"We can turn on interactive studios across the upper Midwest and link
people instantly."
Communications for Evacuees
Part II: Reunion Room in Moorhead
- Listen
"It's been important for us just to be connected with people."
A P R I L 2 4
Some Blame the Weather Service
- Listen
"They not only missed it, they blew it big."
Beginning the Cleanup in Montevideo
- Listen
"I didn't think the cleanup would be that hard."
At Salvation Army Flood Relief Central
- Listen
"I have two pair of jeans, two shirts, two pair of underwear and that's it!"
A P R I L 2 3
The Neighbors' Tales
- Listen
"The water was coming through the bricks like a faucet."
A P R I L 2 1
East Grand Forks Underwater
MPR reporter Dan Gunderson goes on boat patrol with local police.
- Listen
"It was my husband's grandmother's house - it's all gone, every bit of it."
A P R I L 1 6
Mainstreet Radio Special Report
A two-hour broadcast with interviews, call-ins, and on-the-scene reports linking MPR's St. Paul and Moorhead studios.
Rundown with access to audio files.
A P R I L 1 5
No Rest for Weary Residents
- Listen
"I know some people who've lost their dikes today."
A P R I L 1 4
Red River Continues to Crest
Transcript | Listen
"The duration becomes an issue."
Gawkers Crowd Metro Riverbanks
- Listen
"A once-in-a-lifetime sight."
A P R I L 1 3
Breckenridge Hopes Worst Is Over
- Listen
"We tried, but it's tough to fight Mother Nature."
A P R I L 1 1
Dike Watchers
- Listen
"If there's anything good in this, it's that it's brought people together."
Breckenridge Braces for a Second Crest
- Listen
"I think we would have been fine if it weren't for that three inches of rain we got before the blizzard hit."
Preparations Along the Mighty Mississippi
"The river is a very unsafe place right now."
A P R I L 1 0
Army Corps of Engineers: New Channels?
- Listen
"We can start out with a community and look at all sorts of alternatives."
Moorhead Under Siege
"It's sweeping into towns that have never been flooded before."
A P R I L 9
The Town of Harwood Dikes Itself In
- Listen
"We may have to run pretty fast."
Crest Projections Raised in Fargo-Moorhead
- Listen
"My concern right now is not to panic."
A P R I L 8
Metro Area Waters Rise
Transcript - Listen
"Local organizers are pleading for more help."
A P R I L 7
Rescuing the Marooned
Transcript | Listen
"The house was surrounded, the basement was flooded, the power was flickering.
It was time to leave."
Flooding in Granite Falls
"We're hanging on by our fingernails."