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Pamela's Album, Part 1
Photographs by Patrick Witty

 Take an audio tour of Pamela's "Shrine to Infertility."
(RealAudio 14.4 / 2:22 mins.)

Pamela Madsen waits in the rain outside of her apartment in Riverdale for her son Spencer, 6, to get home from school.

baby fotos
Baby photographs of Spencer, now 6, hang on the wall in the small, one-bedroom apartment of the Madsen family in Riverdale, NY.

Pamela works in her home office. The majority of work Pamela does is over the phone, organizing events or answering questions about Resolve NYC.

Pamela works the phones, organizing details for The Kokopelli Ball, an event sponsored by National Resolve and Resolve NYC, which is held during National Infertility Awareness Week.

Pamela hugs Spencer after he arrived home from school.

Pamela Madsen takes a business call after her sons Spencer and Tyler were home.

Next: Pamela's Album, Page 2

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