In the Spotlight

News & Features

The Public Religion Symposium
April 28, 1998

Martin Marty
Dr. Martin Marty

Public Address
RealAudio 2.0
14.4 kbps

Public Religion Symposium Report

URING APRIL, 1998, MPR investigated the impact of faith and religion on our daily lives with special reports and commentaries. On April 28, theologian Dr. Martin Marty appeared as part of the MPR Civic Journalism Initiative's Public Religion Symposium. His address to Minnesota Meeting is available for online listening.

Special Reports
Audio and text from the MPR Newsroom.

The Search for Meaning
The quests of today's spiritual seekers reflect the nature of life in the 1990s. (4/9/98)

Catholic School Resurgence in the Twin Cities
From suburbs to inner city, enrollments in parochial schools are going up - for a variety of reasons. (4/9/98)

Thousands Congregate in New Megachurches
Grace Church in Edina is a local example of a national trend towards large, nondenominational congregations. (4/16/98)

A Native American Candidate for Sainthood
A 17th century Mohawk woman lights a path for modern Native American Catholics. (4/21/98)

Reconciliation at Unity Baptist Church
African-Americans and whites work to meld their congregations in a single church. (4/22/98)

Keeping Teens in the Flock
Although the loss of adolescents from congregations is often bemoaned, some teens have made religion part of their life. (4/23/98)

Using Faith To Heal the Sick
Some think an openness to spirituality is the wave of the future in medicine. (04/30/98)

Seeking a Role for Religion in Public Life
While some try bring more moral and spiritual thought into the public domain, others believe there's enough present already. (04/29/98)

Children and Spirituality
Even the very young seek answers to spiritual and moral questions, whether or not they are from religious families. (04/28/98)

Spiritual Values at Work
This ad exec found a way to inject his spiritual values into his job. He's representative of a trend. (04/27/98)

Reflections on the meaning of faith and its role in individual lives. Audio and text.

A Faith Journey by Emily Nerland (4/20/98)

How Can I Keep from Singing? by Mary Preus (4/21/98)

The Public Religion Symposium with
Dr. Martin Marty

On April 28, MPR's Civic Journalism Initiative hosted a one-day "think tank" on the role of religion in public life. Theologian Dr. Martin Marty joined 100 Minnesota leaders in asking the question, "What role should religion have within the public life of the arts, business, media, education, health care, public relations, social services, law, and government?"

The day-long event was the kick-off for the two-year Public Religion Project, a sequence of public events, services, and publications produced by The Divinity School of the University of Chicago and led by Dr. Marty. Its aim is to promote efforts that highlight and interpret the forces of faith within a pluralistic society.

Read report of the April 28 Symposium.

Listen online to Dr. Marty's Minnesota Meeting speech.

For more information:
MPR press release Details about the Public Religion Symposium.

Minnesota Monthly magazine article Dr. Marty talks about the Public Religion Project; a sidebar describes the relationship between MPR's Civic Journalism Initiative and the Project.

Civic Journalism Initiative Homepage for the Initiative.

Public Religion Project The Project homepage.