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Senate and Congressional Races in Minnesota

Find the candidates that most closely match your political views by taking the survey below. You'll be given a listing of all candidates by the order in which their political philosophy matches yours. Then, learn more about the specifics of each candidate through our campaign profiles, archived debates and audio, and links to candidate Web pages.
Please note: If an issue below does not interest you, and if your vote on November 7th will not take that issue into consideration, please submit no resonse for that issue.

Select your Congressional voting district. If you don't know your district, see the map from the Secretary of State's office.

Health Insurance

Employers should be required to provide health insurance for all working Americans
Employees should be allowed to buy private-sector health insurance, and create medical savings accounts.
Health insurance should not be an issue linked to employment. Employers should contribute to an employee owned insurance account
Providing health insurance should only be an option for an employer

What to do with the surplus

Use the entire surplus to repay the national debt.
Use it for a combination of repaying the national debt, and providing tax cuts.
Use it to repay the debt, provide tax cuts, and fund increases in education spending.
Use it to rescue Social Security and Medicare.

Inheritance Tax

The U.S. should end the tax on inheritance
The tax should be ended, but only if there is a way to make up its revenue.
The U.S. should not end the tax on inheritance, but should continue to apply it only to the wealthiest estates.

Environment - National Parks

I favor limiting access to wilderness and certain national park areas to protect their eco-system.
I favor no substantial changes in our national policy toward national parks and wilderness areas.
I favor opening national parks and /or wilderness areas to mining or timber harvesting.

Internet Taxes

Purchases on the Internet should be taxed
Purchases on the Internet should not be taxed.

Gun Control

There should be no additional laws regulating firearms.
Handguns should be outlawed.
Gun manufacturers should be required to provide trigger locks and other mechanisms.


So-called "partial birth abortions" should be outlawed.
All forms of abortion should be outlawed.
Matters concerning abortion are a woman's individual decision

Campaign Finance Reform

Existing loopholes allowing "soft money" contributions should be closed.
Campaigns should be publicly financed
There should be no additional laws regulating campaign finances.


Congress should pass new legislation to help farmers.
I favor no substantial changes in existing farm policy.
The Freedom to Farm Act should be repealed as the first step in saving the family farm.
The government should not be involved in subsidizing farmers


The U.S. has been too quick to send soldiers overseas.
The U.S. has a responsibility to provide "peacekeeping" forces around the globe.

Social Security

Americans should have the right to use part of their Social Security taxes to invest it on their own.
Americans should not be allowed to invest any payroll contributions to the Social Security system.

Education Philosophy - Secondary education

Education is best left to local school districts to decide curriculum and testing issues.
State and/or federal government should set the basic standards for curriculum and gauge performance through standardized testing.
The government should not be involved in educational matters