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Rural Minnesota Poll
April 2000
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How long have you lived in rural Minnesota?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Less than five years 7% 7% 14%
5-9 Years 12% 12% 18%
10-19 Years 14% 14% 21%
More than 20 years 67% 68% 47%
Refused 0% 0% 1%

If you had to give on reason as to why you moved to rural Minnesota, what would it be? (Asked of new residents who have lived in rural Minnesota for less than five years)

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Employment 53% 54% 86%
Raise kids 17% 18% 7%
Quality/Pace/Quiet Life 13% 14% 0%
Natural beauty 7% 4% 7%
Retirement 7% 7% 0%
Other 3% 4% 0%

Over the past five years, would you say the quality of life in your community has improved, deteriorated or stayed about the same?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Improved 28% 27% 30%
Deteriorated 17% 18% 15%
Same 53% 53% 55%

What is the biggest issue facing your community today?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Economy 19% 19% 18%
Crime 15% 15% 15%
Education 9% 9% 10%
Taxes 8% 8% 2%
Environment 7% 7% 4%
Other 5% 5% 4%
Urban sprawl 4% 4% 2%
Drugs/alcohol 3% 3% 4%
Teenagers/Raising Kids 3% 3% 5%
Race 3% 3% 3%
Farm Issues 3% 3% 0%
Immigrants 2% 2% 3%
Roads 2% 2% 3%
Housing 1% 1% 4%
Health Care 0% 0% 1%
Don't Know/Refused 18% 17% 24%
Farm Issues 3% 3% 0%
Immigrants 2% 2% 3%

Would you say there there is more crime in your community than a year ago, or less?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
More 44% 46% 37%
Less 22% 20% 37%
Same 22% 22% 16%
Don't Know/Refused 12% 12% 10%

How serious a problem is crime in your community?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Very serious 10% 11% 14%
Somewhat serious 42% 43% 29%
Not too serious 34% 33% 40%
Not a problem 12% 12% 17%
Don't Know/Refused 1% 2% 0%

Compared to other rural communities around the state, would you say that your community has more crime, less crime or about the same?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
More 19% 19% 15%
Less 26% 25% 36%
Same 49% 49% 43%
Don't Know/Refused 6% 6% 6%
Don't Know/Refused 1% 2% 0%

How often do you worry about being a victim of a personal crime, that is being physically assaulted, or threatened with physical assault.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Frequently 3% 3% 7%
Pretty frequently 8% 8% 10%
Pretty seldom 26% 26% 22%
Very seldom 62% 61% 62%
Don't Know/Refused 2% 2% 0%

How often do you worry about being a victim of a property crime, that is the theft of or damage to your personal property?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Frequently 12% 12% 20%
Pretty frequently 24% 24% 24%
Pretty seldom 27% 27% 15%
Very seldom 37% 36% 41%
Don't Know/Refused 1% 1% 1%

How often do you worry about being the victim of a drunk driver?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Frequently 14% 14% 27%
Pretty frequently 22% 22% 23%
Pretty seldom 23% 23% 20%
Very seldom 40% 40% 30%
Don't Know/Refused 1% 1% 1%

How often do you worry that you or someone you know would be a victim of domestic violence?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Frequently 4% 4% 3%
Pretty frequently 10% 10% 18%
Pretty seldom 25% 25% 23%
Very seldom 59% 59% 45%
Don't Know/Refused 2% 2% 4%

How safe do you feel when you're out alone at night walking in your neighborhood?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Very safe 41% 40% 48%
Somewhat safe 36% 37% 28%
Somewhat unsafe 14% 14% 17%
Very unsafe 6% 6% 4%
Don't Know/Refused 3% 3% 4%

How safe do you feel alone at night in your home?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Very safe 69% 69% 64%
Somewhat safe 24% 25% 22%
Somewhat unsafe 5% 4% 8%
Very unsafe 2% 2% 7%
Don't Know/Refused 0% 0% 0%

Do you do any of the following to protect yourself and family from crime.?

Make use of a home alarm system?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 8% 9% 12%
No 15% 15% 10%
Refused 0% 0% 0%

Regularly lock your home?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 85 85% 90%
No 15% 15% 10%
Refused 0% 0% 0%

Regularly lock your car?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 75% 75% 79%
No 24% 24% 20%
Refused 1% 1% 1%

Own a firearm for personal protection?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 25% 25% 23%
No 75% 75% 78%
Refused 1% 1% 0%

Drugs and alcohol abuse are the main cause for crime in my community.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 35% 36% 40%
Somewhat agree 38% 38% 37%
Somewhat disagree 15% 14% 14%
Strongly disagree 9% 10% 6%
Don't Know/Refused 2% 2% 3%

Underage drinking in my community is a serious problem.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 42% 42% 51%
Somewhat agree 38% 39% 19%
Somewhat disagree 13% 12% 17%
Strongly disagree 4% 4% 9%
Don't Know/Refused 3% 3% 5%

Drug abuse in my community is a serious problem.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 29% 30% 41%
Somewhat agree 45% 45% 29%
Somewhat disagree 15% 15% 14%
Strongly disagree 8% 7% 15%
Don't Know/Refused 3% 3% 1%

Lack of parental control and responsibility are the main cause for crime in my community.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 38% 39% 38%
Somewhat agree 43% 43% 36%
Somewhat disagree 10% 10% 15%
Strongly disagree 6% 6% 8%
Don't Know/Refused 2% 2% 3%

Teenagers commit a disproportionate amount of crime in my community.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 17% 17% 25%
Somewhat agree 49% 50% 37%
Somewhat disagree 19% 20% 14%
Strongly disagree 10% 9% 19%
Don't Know/Refused 4% 4% 6%

Minorities commit a disproportionate amount of crime in my community.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 21% 22% 7%
Somewhat agree 26% 26% 27%
Somewhat disagree 25% 25% 34%
Strongly disagree 22% 21% 26%
Don't Know/Refused 6% 6% 7%

Newcomers commit a disproportionate amount of crime in my community.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 10% 10% 9%
Somewhat agree 26% 27% 28%
Somewhat disagree 36% 36% 26%
Strongly disagree 22% 21% 31%
Don't Know/Refused 7% 7% 7%

Domestic violence is a big problem in my community.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 12% 12% 20%
Somewhat agree 40% 40% 35%
Somewhat disagree 27% 28% 21%
Strongly disagree 15% 15% 14%
Don't Know/Refused 5% 4% 11%

Hate crimes, or crimes against groups or individuals because of their racial or ethnic background or sexual orientation is a problem in rural Minnesota.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 12% 12% 22%
Somewhat agree 39% 39% 36%
Somewhat disagree 28% 28% 30%
Strongly disagree 16% 16% 10%
Don't Know/Refused 5% 5% 2%

If I were aware of a domestic violence incident, I would contact the police.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 74% 74% 69%
Somewhat agree 22% 21% 28%
Somewhat disagree 3% 3% 2%
Strongly disagree 1% 1% 1%
Don't Know/Refused 1% 1% 1%

Generally, the media coverage of crime is fair and accurate, not sensational.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Strongly Agree 15% 15% 9%
Somewhat agree 45% 45% 35%
Somewhat disagree 22% 23% 17%
Strongly disagree 15% 13% 26%
Don't Know/Refused 3% 3% 4%

In your community, when people talk about local crime problems, do they blame minority groups for the problem?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 42% 40% 59%
No 51% 52% 32%
Don't Know/Refused 7% 8% 9%

If yes, do you personally think this is based in fact?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 31% 30% 35%
No 37% 52% 45%
Somewhat 29% 30% 18%

In the past three years, have you been pulled over, ticketed, interviewed, assisted by or otherwise had an interaction with the police that serve your community?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 34% 33% 41%
No 66% 66% 59%
Don't Know/Refused 0% 0% 0%

Were you treated fairly by the police?

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 88% 90% 60%
No 9% 8% 40%
Don't Know/Refused 3% 3% 0%

Police treat minorities with respect and fairness.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Stronly agree 36% 38% 11%
Somewhat agree 36% 35% 34%
Somewhat disagree 14% 14% 31%
Strongly disagree 4% 3% 24%
Don't Know/Refused 10% 10% 0%

Police treat teenagers with respect and fairness

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Stronly agree 28% 29% 22%
Somewhat agree 46% 45% 31%
Somewhat disagree 11% 10% 26%
Strongly disagree 5% 5% 15%
Don't Know/Refused 11% 11% 7%

Police tend to give favorable treatment to old-time residents.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Stronly agree 29% 28% 38%
Somewhat agree 39% 39% 33%
Somewhat disagree 13% 13% 11%
Strongly disagree 8% 8% 11%
Don't Know/Refused 12% 13% 7%

Police treat immigrants with respect and fairness.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Stronly agree 33% 34% 13%
Somewhat agree 36% 36% 33%
Somewhat disagree 13% 11% 24%
Strongly disagree 1% 1% 20%
Don't Know/Refused 18% 18% 11%

I have confidence in the police.

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Stronly agree 50% 52% 32%
Somewhat agree 36% 35% 33%
Somewhat disagree 8% 8% 20%
Strongly disagree 5% 5% 15%
Don't Know/Refused 1% 1% 0%

Poll Demographics


Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
18-29 12% 11% 29%
30-44 31% 31% 33%
45-59 25% 25% 20%
60+ 31% 32% 18%


Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Male 48% 47% 52%
Female 52% 53% 48%

Have Children Under 18

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Yes 34% 34% 48%
No 66% 66% 52%

Party Affiliation

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
DFL 24% 24% 36%
Republican 17% 17% 9%
Independent 29% 29% 19%
Don't Know/Refused 30% 30% 36%

Political Views

Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Liberal 17% 17% 22%
Moderate 38% 38% 32%
Conservative 36% 37% 26%
Don't Know/Refused 8% 8% 21%


Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
High School or Less 37% 37% 50%
Some College 31% 32% 32%
College Graduate 22% 21% 14%
Graduate Degree 10% 10% 4%


Option Rural Minnesota Whites Non-whites
Less than $15,000 11% 11% 21%
$15,000 - $29,999 23% 23% 33%
$30,000 - $49,000 28% 28% 26%
$50,000 - $79,999 19% 19% 13%
$80,000 + 7% 7% 5%
Refused 12% 13% 3%

The survey was commissioned by the Minnesota Public Radio. It was conducted from March 24-29, 2000 by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc. of Washington, D.C.

A total of 417 adult residents in rural Minnesota were surveyed by telephone Those interviewed were selected from a randomly generated list of telephone numbers.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus +/-5%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the "true" figure would fall within margin of error if all adult residents were surveyed. There is a greater margin for error for any particular subgroup.

An over-sampling of 102 "non-white" adult residents were also surveyed by telephone. The "non-white" sample included 50 Native Americans and 42 Hispanic/Latino adults. Hispanic/Latino respondents were selected randomly from a listed sample of Hispanic surnames. Native Americans respondents were selected from a listed sample from geographic regions with concentrations of Native American residents. The margin for error for the non-white sample is +/-10%.

The over-sample of 102 "non-whites" was not included in the general "Rural Minnesota" survey results. "Non-white" residents represent approximately 3% of the population in rural Minnesota, and represent 4.3% of the primary sample.

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Poll Copyright 2000, Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved