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Delfs Named SPCO Music Director
By Chris Roberts
October 23, 2000
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The St. Paul Chamber Orchestra has chosen a new music director to replace the recently departed Hugh Wolfe. After an international search, the SPCO selected Andreas Delfs, who's been music director of the Milwaukee Symphony since 1997. SPCO officials say Delfs, 41, has the artistry, musical credentials, personality and drive to help the orchestra become the leading chamber ensemble in the world.

Hear the comments of Andreas Delfsat the news conference announcing his appointment as music director of the SPCO.
SPCO BOARD CHAIR JOHN HUSS made it clear there were no dissenters in the decision to select Andreas Delfs as the new music director, from the search committee on down.

According to the SPCO, Andreas Delfs is recognized as one of today's leading conductors. He's been praised by New York Times music critics as a brilliant technician and commanding musician. Born in Germany, Delfs was trained at Julliard and has lived in the U.S. for most of his adult life. In addition to his role as music director of the Milwaukee Symphony. He's also led the Bern Opera in Germany, the Hanover State Opera and Orchestra and the Pittsburgh Symphony.

When he introduced himself to board members and SPCO supporters, he displayed his sense of humor.

"I want to talk to you today about health care reform and the national surplus," he joked.

Delfs pledged to take SPCO the next step toward becoming the world's premier chamber orchestra. He says his first task is to immediately get to know its 33 musicians, who are each "stars in their own right."

He says he wants to help them further hone their ability to speak as one voice. And that voice, he says, has to be very distinct, with one authentic performance group after another popping up around the world.

On the perennial issue facing orchestras of drawing more diverse and younger audiences, Delfs says he's had success in Milwaukee by creating multi-faceted performances that he says stick to the mind.

Delfs also scored points with the SPCO's selection committee because of his enthusiasm for commissioning and performing new work, an SPCO hallmark.

Delfs plans to continue conducting the Milwaukee Symphony while serving as SPCO music director. He's confident their relatively close physical proximity will allow him to give both the time and attention they need.

Delfs will assume his duties as SPCO music director in September 2001.