the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will release a draft Environmental Impact Statement this fall, with several proposals for controlling the Canada Geese population. Here are some of the options:
No action.
Non-lethal action. This could include things like trapping and relocating geese, or changing habitat management to discourage geese from nesting in specific areas.
Lethal control. This could include destruction of nests and eggs.
Depredation order for health and safety. This would be used to destroy or remove geese from populations centers where they may present a risk to human health and safety.
Conservation order. This would allow states to permit increased hunting of geese, such as special seasons or increased bag limits.
General depredation order. This would allow anyone to kill geese causing damage or posing a threat of any kind to human health and safety.
Source: Steve Wilds, regional chief of the Migratory Bird Section of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.