In the Spotlight

News & Features
Leadership and Management
in Challenging Times

The Executive Development Center, Carlson School of Management, presents a forum at the 3M Auditorium following the attack on America
September 20, 2001

Click for audio Part I | President Bush | Part II

Last week's tragic attack left Minnesota and companies like Northwest Airlines reeling. Now our leaders must move us forward. Listen as experts help community and business leaders make sense of new leadership and management challenges stemming from an unprecedented economic shake-up. MPR's Chris Farrell moderates a discussion among geo-political, economic, and human resources experts.

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Discussion leaders include:

  • Walter Mondale, former Vice President of the United States
  • Robert Kudrle, Professor, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute
  • Sung Won Sohn, Chief Economist, Wells Fargo
  • Ross Levine, Professor of Finance, Carlson School of Management
  • Keith Dixon, CEO, CIGNA
  • Sandra Davis, CEO and Industrial Psychologist, MDA Consulting Group
  • Paul Anton, economist, Anton & Associates
  • David Banmiller, CEO and president of Sun Country Airlines

CHRIS FARRELL is MPR's chief economics correspondent. Each week on Sound Money, a nationally distributed personal-finance program, he offers an analysis of economic and financial news and takes calls from listeners. Farrell is also a journalist with American RadioWorks, the award-winning documentary collaboration between MPR and National Public Radio. He is contributing economics editor at Business Week magazine and host of public television's personal-finance show Right on the Money.

PAUL A. ANTON is chief economist of Anton & Associates, a Minneapolis economic consulting firm. Prior to entering consulting, he worked for First Bank System as money market economist and later as director of economics. Before joining First Bank System, he was an economist in the research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Anton received his undergraduate degree with a double major in economics and mathematics in 1970 from the University of Minnesota. He has a Ph.D. in economics and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and an honorary Woodrow Wilson Fellow.

DAVID A. BANMILLER, Sun Country Airlines president and CEO, is a veteran airline executive—having worked with both large and small carriers. Banmiller began his career on the front lines, starting as a management trainee for TWA, and has experience in nearly every facet of airport operations. Prior to joining Sun Country Airlines in April 2001, David served as president and CEO for a number of airlines including Pan American World Airways (1997-98). Banmiller received his MBA from Loyola Marymount University and a bachelor's degree in business administration from Villanova University, where he was class Valedictorian.

SANDRA L. DAVIS, Ph.D., is CEO and co-founder of MDA Consulting Group Inc. Davis focuses on the identification and growth of leadership talent and the development of organizational systems that support peak performance. She works with a wide range of public and private organizations. Her expertise is in applying real-world psychology for leadership and organizational development. She is a licensed psychologist, specializing in organizational and industrial psychology. She completed her doctorate at the University of Minnesota.

KEITH DIXON, Ph.D. is president of CIGNA Behavioral Health. Dixon previously served as president of United Behavioral Health, a subsidiary of United HealthCare Corporation. In 1997 he was chairman of The American Managed Behavioral Healthcare Association, Washington, D.C. A native of Minneapolis, Dixon received a bachelor's degree in sociology from the University of Minnesota, and a master's degree in education and a doctorate in social and community psychology from the Union Graduate School, Cincinnati. He also attended the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, in Poona, India, as a Fulbright Scholar.

ROBERT T. KUDRLE is both professor at the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute and adjunct faculty member at the University of Minnesota Law School and in the Department of Political Science. He studies industrial organization, public policy toward business, and international economic policy. He has served as a consultant and expert witness for the antitrust division of the U.S. Department of Justice and as a consultant to the Internal Revenue Service. A Rhodes Scholar, Kudrle holds a master of philosophy degree in economics from Oxford University and a doctorate in economics from Harvard University.

ROSS LEVINE is professor of finance at the Carlson School of Management. He previously worked as an economist with the financial sector policy division of the World Bank, as an economist with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, International Finance Division, and as an associate professor at the University of Virginia. Levine received his Ph.D. from UCLA. He is a leading expert on international finance issues and the relationship between the financial sector and long-run economic growth. He developed training in financial-sector issues that has been given to hundreds of staff at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

WALTER F. MONDALE served as U.S. Vice President under Jimmy Carter from 1976 to 1980 and was the Democratic nominee for president in 1984. He served as the U.S. ambassador to Japan from 1993 to 1996 and represented Minnesota in the U.S. Senate from 1965 to 1976, where he served on the finance; agriculture; labor and public welfare; budget; and banking, housing, and urban affairs committees. He is currently a partner at the international law firm of Dorsey & Whitney LLP, where he chairs the firm's Asia practice, and he is senior Japan advisor to Goldman Sachs & Co.

DR. SUNG WON SOHN is executive vice president and chief economic officer of Wells Fargo Bank. He is responsible for international, national, regional, and agricultural economics. Sohn was previously a senior economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisors and his more than 30 years' experience evaluating economic conditions both nationally and internationally place him among a select few in the world who can clearly and concisely comment knowledgeably on economic matters. Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, Dr. Sohn was educated at the University of Pittsburgh and Harvard Business School.
