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Poll: Closing the budget gap
By Minnesota Public Radio

September 19, 2002

Poll Results | Poll Methodology | Story


QUESTION: Minnesota officials are facing the challenge of a revenue shortfall that is likely to be more than $1 billion over the next two years. How should state leaders balance the state budget? Should they:

Option State Men Women
Cut state spending? 54% 59% 49%
... or raise taxes? 18% 17% 19%
A mix of both (not read) 23% 20% 26%
Not sure 5% 4% 6%

QUESTION: In the past three years, the Legislature has cut taxes several times. Which of the following statements best reflects your view (Order rotated)

Option Results
The tax cuts were the right thing to do 42%
The tax cuts were right, but they cut taxes too much. 31%
The tax cuts were the wrong thing to do. 20%
Not sure (Not read) 7%

QUESTION: If lawmakers choose to reduce spending, which one of the following areas is most important not to cut? (Order rotated)

Option Results
Funding for K-12 education 49%
Funding for roads. 11%
Funding for public safety. 9%
Funding for social services. 8%
Funding for environmental programs 7%
Funding for mass transit. 6%
Funding for higher education. 3%
Not sure (Not read) 7%

QUESTION: Would you support or oppose an increase in the state gasoline tax to fund additional road construction and improvements to mass transit?

Option State Men Women
Support 52% 51% 53%
Oppose 44% 47% 41%
Undecided 4% 2% 6%

QUESTION: Would you support or oppose an increase in the state gasoline tax to fund additional road construction, but not mass transit improvements?

Option State Men Women
Support 53% 58% 48%
Oppose 43% 39% 47%
Undecided 4% 3% 5%

QUESTION: Would you support or oppose a 60-cent-per-pack increase in the state cigarette tax in order to help balance the state budget?

Option State Men Women
Support 62% 54% 70%
Oppose 31% 39% 23%
Undecided 7% 7% 7%


The Mason-Dixon Minnesota Poll was conducted September 12-14, 2002 by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc. of Washington, D.C. A total of 625 registered Minnesota voters were interviewed statewide by telephone. All stated they regularly vote in state elections.

Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers. A cross-section of exchanges were utilized in order to ensure an accurate reflection of the state. Quotas were assigned to reflect voter turn-out county.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 4 percentage points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the "true" figure would fall within that range if the entire population were sampled. The margin for error is higher for any subgroup, such as a regional or gender grouping.

Sample Figures:

Men 311 (50%)
Women 314 (50%)

Region Interviews
Minneapolis/St. Paul 347 interviews
Rochester/Southeast 70 interviews
Southwest Minnesota 67 interviews
Northwest Minnesota 69 interviews
Duluth/Northeast 72 interviews

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Poll Copyright 2002, Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved