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Poll: Chronic wasting disease
By Minnesota Public Radio

October 7, 2002

Poll Results | Poll Methodology


QUESTION: As you may know, state officials are testing some of Minnesota's deer to determine whether any have contracted chronic wasting disease. Based on what you know, how concerned are you about the possible spread of chronic wasting disease among deer in Minnesota?

Very concerned 25%
Somewhat concerned 43%
Not very concerned 17%
Not at all concerned 12%
Not sure (not read) 3%


QUESTION: Because of concern about potential chronic wasting disease in the Minnesota deer population, are you now less likely to order venison in a restaurant?

Yes 38%
No 51%
Not sure 11%

QUESTION: How would you rate the performance of state officials in handling the potential chronic wasting disease problem: excellent, pretty good, fair or poor?

Excellent 11%
Good 43%
Fair 21%
Poor 8%
Undecided 17%

QUESTION: Have you eaten venison in the past three years?

Yes 52%
No 48%

The following was asked of 571 venison eaters.

QUESTION: How is concern over chronic wasting disease affecting your planned venison consumption?

Planning to change the amount of venison I eat. 48%
Not planning to eat venison at all. 32%
Plan to eat less venison than normal. 17%
Not sure (Not read) 3%

The following was asked of 388 respondents planning to eat venison.

QUESTION: Will you only eat venison that you know has been properly processed?

Yes 84%
No 14%
Not sure 2%

QUESTION: Will you only eat venison that has been tested for chronic wasting disease?

Yes 35%
No 57%
Not sure 8%

QUESTION: Will you only eat venison that comes from areas with no confirmed cases of chronic wasting disease.

Yes 56%
No 37%
Not sure 7%

The following question was asked of 571 venison eaters.

QUESTION: If chronic wasting disease is found in Minnesota's wild deer population this fall, how would that affect your venison consumption?

Not eat venison at all 47%
Not change the amount of venison eaten 31%
Eat less venison than normal 19%
Not sure (not read) 3%

The following question was asked of 302 respondents still planning to eat venison.

QUESTION: If chronic wasting disease is found in Minnesota's deer population, will you only eat venison that you know has been properly processed?

Yes 87%
No 12%
Not sure 1%

QUESTION: If chronic wasting disease is found in Minnesota's deer population, will you only eat venison that has been tested for chronic wasting disease?

Yes 51%
No 47%
Not sure 2%

QUESTION: If chronic wasting disease is found in MInnesota's deer population, will you only eat venison that comes from areas with no confirmed cases of chronic wasting disease?

Yes 51%
No 43%
Not sure 6%

QUESTION: Have you hunted deer in Minnesota within the past three years?

Yes 27%
No 73%

The following question was asked of 301 deer hunters.

QUESTION: How is concern over chronic wasting disease affecting your hunting plans? Are you planning to...

Not planning to change the amount of hunting. 72%
Not planning to hunt at all 21%
Planning to hunt less than normal 7%

The following question was asked of 239 respondents still planning to hunt.

QUESTION: Are you planning to change where you hunt because of concern over chronic wasting disease?

Yes 5%
No 95%

QUESTION: Do you plan to take additional precautions when you field dress a deer and prepare your venison because of concern over chronic wasting disease?

Yes 67%
No 31%
Not sure 2%


QUESTION: Do you plan to have your deer tested for chronic wasting disease before you eat it?

Yes 27%
No 56%
Not sure 17%

The following was asked of 301 deer hunters.

QUESTION: If state officials find chronic wasting disease in Minnesota's wild deer population this fall, how will that affect your hunting frequency?

Would not change amount of hunting? 50%
Not hunt at all. 31%
Hunt less than normal. 12%
Not sure (not read) 7%

The following question was asked of 208 respondents still planning to hunt.

QUESTION: If chronic wasting disease is found in Minnesota's deer population, will you change where you hunt?

Yes 12%
No 85%
Not sure 3%

QUESTION: If chronic wasting disease is found in Minnesota's deer population, will you take additional precautions when you field dress a deer and prepare your venison?

Yes 86%
No 12%
Not sure 2%

QUESTION: If chronic wasting disease is found in Minnesota's deer population, will you have your deer tested before you eat it?

Yes 62%
No 33%
Not sure 5%

QUESTION: How much are you willing to pay to have a deer tested for chronic wasting disease?

Nothing 15%
$1-$15 42%
$16-$25 25%
$26-$50 7%
$51-$75 -
$76-$100 -
Not sure 11%



The Mason-Dixon Minnesota Poll was conducted September 30 through October 2, 2002 by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc. of Washington, D.C. A total of 1,100registered Minnesota adults were interviewed statewide by telephone.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 3 percentage points.

PLEASE NOTE: This report is the property of Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research, Inc. It is not for duplication and/or redistribution. Copies of this report are available only through subscription. Subscribers are prohibited from providing this document to any third party. Any party in an unauthorized possession, engaging in unauthorized use. or involved in the unauthorized duplication or transmission of this document is subject to all applicable criminal and civil penalties.

Poll Copyright 2002, Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved