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The Corpse Carrier's Tango
The Corpse Carrier's Tango was written in 1943 by Aleksander Kulisiewicz. The song is sung in Polish by mezzo soprano Julie Mirel. Here is the English translation of the lyrics.

Undated — The Corpse Carrier's Tango (1943)
by Aleksander Kulisiewicz

Germany, that dog from hell,
Has tortured us four years already
The crematorium corpse-carrier sweats,
It's war where he works, but very pleasant.
After all, he's burning people in there -
You can see he's no butcher or baker!
So, dear boy, be off to the oven and don't delay!
Ever slow, ever steady - and full of joy!

After the first poke, you'll feel better.
A second punch in the face - but you're laughing still!
The third kick you'll really remember -
And after the fourth, you'll wet your pants!
When five dirty dogs kick you in the kidneys,
Brother, you'll spit out six broken teeth!
A seventh dog digs his heels into your belly -
That'll certainly make you feel great!

Oh, beautiful, lovely Lady Death! Okay! -
Poor thing, she's looking for a partner, a date!
And you, dear fellow, are the guy that she's ogling -
She'll eat you right up with her hungry eyes!
You ask her to rendezvous at the corpse-cellar,
And there you allow her to gaze at your festering wound,
Soon its stink will give way
To a tender, decadent, tete a tete!

One minute later, brother, you'll find yourself in heaven,
With two warm doughnuts in your hand,
Three little angels scrub your butt clean,
And cry out in German, "My! What a lovely ass!"
A fourth angel - darling little Anna -
Pours five shots of whisky down her throat,
While ten sweet angels lull you off to sleep:
So, rest peacefull in heaven, now. C'est la vie!

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