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In small towns around Minnesota, National Guard soldiers say goodbye
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Several hundred people came to the New Ulm park to say goodbye. Among the well-wishers was Nathan Wyman, held by his soldier/uncle Jesse. (MPR Photo/Mark Steil)
Another Minnesota National Guard unit is leaving for active duty. The 1st Battalion of the 125th Field Artillery will go first to Fort McCoy, Wisc., for training before heading overseas. Farewell ceremonies have been held for the unit throughout southern Minnesota, including one Tuesday afternoon in New Ulm.

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Image Staff Sgt. Jerry Sandmann of New Ulm

New Ulm, Minn. — The deployment of the battalion's 500 troops has unfolded in a series of small-town goodbyes. Crowds as large as 700 people have gathered in different communities to say farewell: towns like Luverne, Pipestone, Jackson and St. James. In New Ulm, about 70 soldiers marched down Main Street. They were on their way to a local park, then Wisconsin, and -- finally -- Europe. Several hundred people lined the parade route, waving flags and applauding. A brass band led the way.

Trailing in the wake of the martial music were real-life stories. Staff Sgt. Jerry Sandmann of New Ulm marched in the color guard at the head of the column. "When we got the call it was a shock, it was definitely a shock," says Sandmann.

His first thought was, 'what am I going to do?' He's married with three daughters. He owns a roofing company.

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Image Several hundred people watched the soldiers march on Main Street.

"The business we pretty much shut down," says Sandmann. "I finished up all the contracts I had. And then we're just going to hope for the best, get through the winter here and then in the spring I'm hoping to start things up again."

Sandmann's unit will provide security for U.S. soldiers and their families in Europe. It's expected the battalion will return to Minnesota by next spring. The unit is part of a major deployment of National Guard troops since the 9-11 attacks. More than 1,600 Minnesota soldiers have been activated.

Capt. Patrick Cornwell from Saint Michael says in many cases the guard troops are replacing soldiers headed for a war zone.

"In order for them to do their job we need to kind of come in and backfill for them," says Cornwell. " In the big scheme of things we're playing our small part in the war on terrorism."

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Image Capt. Patrick Cornwell of the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery

The crowd in New Ulm's German Park clapped their hands as the soldiers marched in, shaded their eyes from a hot sun, then held their chests as a genuine Civil War cannon fired a salute. The cannon crew wore Civil War uniforms, recalling another time when crowds gathered in small towns to say goodbye to soldiers.

When the New Ulm farewell was over, the soldiers and the crowd became one. Friends and neighbors, troops and civilians, shook hands, hugged, cried and exchanged farewells. It was a reminder of the loved ones left behind and the work which lay ahead.

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