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Go to Meth in Minnesota: The Costly Addiction
DocumentMeth in Minnesota: The Costly Addiction
DocumentA life devastated by meth
DocumentChildren victimized by meth
DocumentThe challenges to law enforcement
DocumentMaking its way into schools
DocumentMeth treatment needs a different approach
DocumentA familiar debate: Jail or treatment?
DocumentNot just a rural problem
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Your solutions
MPR News asked what you think should be done about the growing meth problem, and here is a sampling of possible solutions. We'll add more as they come in.

You can share your ideas to correct this issue.

St. Paul, Minn. —


The meth problem is so interconnected, causing so many problems, in so many areas, that the solution is very complex and challenging. I feel a huge piece of the solution, however, is the education and awareness of the problem so that the infection does not continue to spread. Your attacking this problem openly, on the air, is a wonderful example.

I use "the movie making process" to create educational videos for young people that address social issues. Everyone has different learning styles. Lectures work for many people, but not all. And, in this day and age of digital mass media, many young people are more visually oriented, than inguistically oriented. Others, especially many of those that we are trying to reach with this information, are even more action oriented.

I am currently working with high school actors from Red Wing, Minnesota and Pierce County, Wisconsin, to create a movie project on the dangers of methamphetamine. Our goal is to create an engaging story the interests the audience, as well as includes much of the needed information about the devastating effects of this drug. Local police, probation, medical personnel and community members have participated and helped us film this video. In this way, a whole community comes together to create a pro-active project and help make a stand against this infectious and dangerous drug. Red Wing is a small town that is feeling the effects of this new meth problem, and Pierce County, right across the river, is a very rural community that is suffering from an influx of meth labs.

We are all hoping that by coming together and creating something innovative and educational, we can educate our communities quickly and slow down, if not stop, it's spread to other young people. By having young people star in the movie, they become teachers of their peers and have an active voice within the community.

-- Linda Flanders, WI

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