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Pope John Paul II
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Key dates in the life of Pope John Paul II
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Pope John Paul II, former Polish cardinal Karol Wojtyla, at the Vatican after being named at the head of the Catholic Church, October 1978. (Photo by STAFF/AFP/Getty Images)

— Key dates in the life of Pope John Paul II.

May 18, 1920: Karol Joseph Wojtyla born in Wadowice, Poland.

Nov. 1, 1946: Ordained as a priest.

Sept. 28, 1958: Consecrated as auxiliary bishop of Krakow.

March 8, 1964: Installed as bishop of Krakow.

June 28, 1967: Elevated to cardinal by Pope Paul VI.

Oct. 16, 1978: Elected pope by cardinals, first Pole ever and first non-Italian in 455 years.

Jan. 25, 1979: First trip abroad, to Dominican Republic, Mexico, Bahamas.

June 2, 1979: Goes to Poland for first time as pope, setting off sparks that help establish Solidarity, first independent labor movement in Soviet bloc.

May 13, 1981: Shot in abdomen by Turk in St. Peter's Square.

Sept. 15, 1982: Receives Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat at Vatican, provoking criticism from Israel and Jewish groups.

April 13, 1986: Makes historic visit to Rome's main synagogue.

Dec. 1, 1989: Meets Mikhail Gorbachev at Vatican, first ever meeting between a pope and a Kremlin chief.

May 1, 1991: Issues first encyclical on social issues since fall of communism in Europe, giving qualified approval to capitalism but warning rich against taking advantage of poor.

July 15, 1992: Operation for benign tumor on colon. Leaves hospital July 28.

Sept. 4-10, 1993: Visits former Soviet Union for first time, traveling to Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

Oct. 5, 1993: Issues encyclical "Splendor of Truth," his major statement on morality, cracking down on dissent.

Dec. 30, 1993: Agreement signed establishing formal ties between Israel and Vatican.

Oct. 19, 1994: Publishes his book, "Beyond the Threshold of Hope."

March 3, 1995: Issues encyclical "Gospel of Life," and condemns spreading "culture of death," including abortion, euthanasia, experimentation on human embryos.

March 10, 1997: Vatican establishes diplomatic relations with Libya, overriding U.S. objections.

Jan. 21-26, 1998: Visits Cuba for first time.

March 16, 1998: Vatican issues "We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah," or Holocaust, expressing remorse for cowardice of some Christians during World War II but defending actions of wartime Pope Pius XII.

Oct. 19, 1998: Celebrates 20th anniversary as pope, asks for prayers to fulfill his mission "until the end."

Dec. 24, 1999: Ushers in Vatican millennium Jubilee year by opening Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica.

March 20-26, 2000: Makes first trip to Holy Land. In note left at Jerusalem's Western Wall, expresses sorrow for suffering of Jews at Christian hands.

Sept. 3, 2000: Beatifies much-attacked Pope Pius IX and much-loved Pope John XXIII in one of most disputed acts of papacy.

May 4, 2001: Becomes first pope to visit Greece since Schism; issues sweeping apology for "sins of action and omission" by Roman Catholics against Orthodox Christians.

April 23, 2002: Summons U.S. cardinals to discuss sex abuse scandal, tells them there is no place in priesthood for clerics who abuse young.

May 17, 2003: Cardinal, in newspaper interview, confirms pope has Parkinson's disease.

June 5-9, 2003: Makes 100th foreign trip, visiting Croatia.

July 31, 2003: Vatican launches global campaign against gay marriages.

Feb. 22, 2005: Pope's newest book, "Memory and Identity," is officially launched. Describes for first time moments after being shot in 1981, saying he was "almost on the other side" but thought he'd live.

(Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
