Monday, March 31, 2025


A timeline of theater negotiations
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The Orpheum Theater in downtown Minneapolis. (MPR Photo/Jeff Horwich)
Key dates in the process.

Minneapolis, Minn. —

April 18, 2003 -- Minneapolis City Council decides to issue a nationwide call for proposals to manage the Hennepin Avenue Theaters.

July 2003 -- Incumbent operators Historic Theatre Group and Hennepin Theatre Trust propose they be allowed to negotiate exclusively with the city for the contract.

Sept. 2003 -- Operating Committee of the Minneapolis Community Development Association recommends exclusive negotiation. Full MCDA board rejects that recommendation, but also decides not to extend the search nationwide. A study group of staff and council members is formed to focus on the future of the theaters.

Summer 2004 -- Limited "Request For Proposals" (RFP) issued.

Oct. 25, 2004 -- Proposals are received from Hennepin Theatre Trust/Historic Theatre Group/Clear Channel Entertainment (Minneapolis), The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts (St. Paul) and TheatreDreams (Chicago).

Nov. 19, 2004 -- Council votes (7-5, one absent) to direct city staff to negotiate exclusively with HTT/HTG/CCE for 120 days.

March 19, 2005 -- Results of negotiation expected. Council discussion and vote to follow.

July 1, 2005 -- Final management transition projected to occur, according to HTT/HTG/CCE proposal.

July 1, 2035 -- Hennepin Theatre Trust would assume full ownership of the Orpheum, Pantages, and State theaters.
