Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Go to This Cold House
This Cold House
Ten ways to save money on your energy bill
Natural gas prices will push up heating costs this winter
Should you hedge your bets on high heating costs?
One woman's struggle to pay for heat
High energy costs squeeze schools' budgets
Rising heating prices spur surge in solar projects
Firewood sales heating up
Pawlenty pumps ethanol
Resources and links


Resources and links

A list of resources with more information about energy consumption and energy costs in Minnesota.


Xcel Energy

Centerpoint Energy

Allete (Minnesota Power)

Alliant Energy

Great Plains Natural Gas Co.

Aquila, Inc.

Otter Tail Power Co.

Natural Gas Supply Association, Which represents the nation's natural gas producers.

Edison Electric Institute, Which represents the nation's electric utilities.


Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.

Minnesota Commerce Department, General energy information.

U.S. Energy Information Administration, Official energy statistics from the federal government.


Minnesota Commerce Department Heating Central, Heating tips and financial assistance information.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a list of low-income energy programs available in Minnesota.

Minnesota HeatShare, a program run by the Salvation Army.

Partnerships for Home Energy Efficiency, Advice on how to save money on your energy bills.

Federal Energy Management Program, Recommendations on purchasing energy-efficient products.
