Monday, January 20, 2025
Go to Prescription for Change
Prescription for Change
How It Works
Matchmaker randomly generates 12 pairs of fictional health care plans made up of common plan attributes. Choose the one you like the best, or dislike the least. Medical Matchmaker analyzes your picks and, at the end, shows you what plan features really matter to you and what general type of insurance might best meets your needs.

You will find plans with a mix of features that you would never, ever find together in the real world. Don't worry! Medical Matchmaker is not designed to help you pick a specific plan. But it will help you think about the tradeoffs more of us are having to deal with as we try to take charge of our health care decisions.

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Medical Matchmaker

Not so long ago, most of us faced a simple choice: Take the basic health care plan your employer offered, or leave it.

But, as Prescription for Change reveals, rising costs are leading employers and insurance companies to ask us to take more responsibility for our health care decisions, starting with choosing a health care plan.

But how do we know what we really want in a plan? And what will we give up to get it? Low premiums for higher deductibles? Lower deductibles for less choice? Complicated plans and a lack of clear information prevent many of us from making confident choices.

Minnesota Public Radio News created Medical Matchmaker to help you think through what matters to you in a health care plan, and to help you see which of the four types of common plans might be a good match for you.

Play the Medical Matchmaker!

Survey software was designed by QuestionPro Online Surveys.
