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James Brown grew up in the Twin Cities
during the 1930s and 40s. He lived in a
racially mixed neighborhood - but the mixing
only went so far.
Rashid Mursal was born in Somalia,
but later found himself at Roosevelt High
School in Minneapolis. He was new to the
country and had to learn a few things.
Eric Bergeson grew up on a farm and
remembers the day a construction crew unearthed
a human skull in front of his family's house.
David Lavelle was an army medic who
spent a year in Iraq. Here is his account
of a roadside incident involving a walrus
mustache and a big kiss on the lips.
Duluth resident Charles Stalling
remembers some hard lessons about racism
during World War II.
Bill Berg knows animals. He lives
in northern Minnesota and spent 30 years
as a research biologist. But there's one
early morning that stands out in his memory.
