MPR News for Headlines, Weather, and Stories MPR

December 18 - 22, 2000

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Another Week

Listen To A Week of Midday

Hour One
Hour Two

Hour One
Hour Two

Hour One
Hour Two

Hour One
Hour Two

Hour One
Hour Two

How to Listen
MPR Live1

Monday, December 18

First Hour: Vice President Walter Mondale reflects on the Presidential election and what lies in store for the leaders of the country and the citizens of the U.S.

Second Hour: National Press Club broadcast with Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts Bill Ivey.

Tuesday, December 19

First Hour: A look at domestic violence-- what causes it and how the system handles domestic violence on the next Midday. Guests are Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner and Ellen Ade, an advocate for victims of domestic violence at the St. Paul Intervention Project. (call-in, no tapes available)

Second Hour: A special about charitable giving called "Sharing the Wealth" hosted by Sound Money's Chris Farrell. For more information, go to MPR's Civic Journalism Initiative Project (for tapes, contact MPR's Civic Journalism Project)

Wednesday, December 20

First Hour: Children, Families, Learning Commissioner Christine Jax is in the MPR studios to talk about Minnesota schools.

Second Hour: The latest edition of "A Common Place" about children and religion.

Thursday, December 21

First Hour: Minnesota State Epidemiologist Dr. Harry Hull on food-borne illness, flu, and more. (Call-in) (no tapes available)

Second Hour: The 10th anniversary edition of Chanukah Lights, stories and songs for the Jewish holiday. (tapes available from NPR)

Friday, December 22

First Hour: Climatologist and Meteorologist at the University of Minnesota Mark Seeley will be in the MPR studios to talk about the weather trends of the past year and predictions for the year to come. (call in)(no tapes)

Second Hour: Voices of Minnesota with legendary Guthrie Theatre costume designer Annette Garceau and Dick Goebel, a founder of America's Second Harvest, the country's largest food bank system. (no tapes)


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