December 15 - 19

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Another Week

Monday, December 15

9:00 am: After nine, JOHN RABE and his guest discuss what holiday-related symbols and activities are allowed in schools. We hope you'll join in the conversation when JOHN talks with University of Minnesota law professor, Suzanna Sherry.

10:00 am: Join JOHN RABE and his guest after ten to find out some of the best books to give, and ones to get for yourself this holiday season. Guest: Brian Baxter, owner of Baxter's Books in downtown Minneapolis.

Tuesday, December 16

9:00 am: Vice President Al Gore announced a federal initiative yesterday to promote organ donation. Although many people in the Upper Midwest support the idea, a new survey says 42 percent of those questioned have not registered as potential organ donors. Have you? Join in after nine when JOHN RABE talks with the executive director of, "Lifesource,"e an organ procurement organization in Minnesota. GUEST: Susan Gunderson. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ORGAN DONATION, CALL LIFE SOURCE 1-888-5-DONATE

10:00 am: Grab a cup of coffee and wake up out of your reverie for a discussion of DAYDREAMING. JOHN RABE's guest after ten says what many people consider a waste of time can play a key role in helping us organize our lives. GUEST: Eric Klinger is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Minnesota campuses in Morris and Minneapolis. He's the author of Daydreaming, published by Tarcher books. (available through the University of Minnesota-Morris bookstore.)

Wednesday, December 17

9:00 am: A Pentagon report released yesterday said men and women in the military should be segregated more in basic training. Supporters say it would help build women's confidence. But, critics say separating genders would be a step backwards. After nine, JOHN RABE talks with guests from different perspectives, and will welcome your comments and questions as well.

9:06-9:30am: Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis, Director of the Military Readiness Project at the Family Research Council.
9:30-10:00am: Mary Lou Kendrigan, Professor of Political Science at Lansing Community College in Michigan.

10:00 am: "Buddy" the newly-named labrador pup has joined the Clinton's household, AFTER being housetrained by someone else. Yet most of us don't have that luxury. In the ten o'clock hour, we'll get tips on selecting and training a new pet from animal behaviorist R.K Anderson, professor Emeritus of the Animal Behavior Clinic at the University of Minnesota.

He suggested the book, The Perfect Puppy by Benjamin and Lynnette Hart.
Don't Shoot the Dog: The New Art of Teaching and Training by Karen Prior
Dog Behavior and Training: Veterinary Advice for Owners
Video: Learning to be Safe with Dogs, Cats and Kids
A caller suggested a book called, I Just Got a Puppy: What do I do Now?

Thursday, December 18

9:00 am: On the next Midmorning, a debate over the future of large livestock feedlots in Minnesota. Critics say we should curb their expansion until we know more about their impact on the environment. But, others argue the state already has some of the strictest feedlot regulations in the nation. GUESTS: Dave Frederickson, President of the Minnesota Farmers' Union and Dave Preisler, Executive Director of the Minnesota Pork Producers' Association.

10:00 am: Be sure to listen after ten for a discussion with political commentator George Will. He's out with a collection of his columns, and he says this is a great time for conservatives in America. His book is called, The Woven Figure: Conservatism and America's Fabric, 1994-1997."

Friday, December 19

9:00 am: Join in after nine when CHRIS ROBERTS, sitting in for JOHN RABE, talks with wildlife watcher, Carroll Henderson, about his new book, The Traveler's Guide to Wildlife in Minnesota.
The Traveler's Guide to Wildlife in Minnesota is $19.95.
Carroll Henderson is also author of Landscaping for Wildlife, Wild About Birds: The DNR Bird Feeding Guide and Woodworking for Wildlife -- all published by the DNR and availalble at Minnesota's Bookstore.
MN Birding Hotline: 780-8890 or in the Duluth area: (218) 525-5952 call the DNR for a map of MN with various birds species' locations: 1-888-646-6367 or (612) 296-6157

10:00 am: Wordwatchers will want to tune in after ten and share their favorite examples of the worst uses of English, be they mixed metaphors, misleading headlines, and, yes, even puns. GUEST: Richard Lederer, author of Fractured English and Anguished English. listeners can send examples to



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