Midday host Gary Eichten opened the live forum on the future
of the University of Minnesota by describing it as "a
unifying force for the entire state" throughout its first
150 years of existence. Then he framed the type of difficult
questions that will inevitably shape its future.
Given financial constraints - and the public demand for excellence
- should administrators reduce the University's extraordinarily
broad mission?
Should the University give up on trying to be all things to
all people, and narrow its focus?
Eichten also pointed out that the University's mission is
broader even than that of other Big Ten schools: With nearly
500 degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate level,
Minnesota offers far more degrees than any other conference
member. Yet the consensus - if not the unanimous opinion -
among the 75 community leaders who gathered inside the Ted
Mann Concert Hall was that "the U" might tinker
with programs and shift priorities, but it should continue
to serve its historically broad mandate. And some argued,
persuasively, that the University must do still more, especially
to help students of color succeed.
The University's Past
One of the day's first speakers, university historian
Ann Pflaum, traced the roots of this debate to the 19th century,
when the federal government first helped establish land grant
universities, and Minnesota decided to make its fledgling
state university both a research and a land-grant institution.
As a result of that decision, Pflaum argued, the University
is both efficient and enjoys strategic advantages for the
21st Century, most notably from having its veterinary, agricultural,
biological sciences and medical schools under the same umbrella.
But that decision also set the stage for a conflict that has
challenged the University almost from its inception: The land-grant
mandate to provide broad access to higher education sometimes
runs counter to the demands for excellence and higher standards
at institutions where professors do cutting-edge research.
The Mission
As University President Mark
Yudof put it later: "We are Texas andTexas A &
M. We are Michigan State and Michigan." Indeed, he and
others spoke openly of their hope to make Minnesota one of
the top five public research universities in the United States.
But Yudof and others also spoke of the need for the University,
as a land-grant institution, to provide access to those who
are not fully prepared for the rigors ofcollege or who have
historically not had access to higher education.
The Need for Focus
There was plenty of disagreement about what direction
the University should take. Dan Carr of The Collaborative,
a business that serves entrepreneurs and emerging growth companies,
said its primary goal should be to provide "human capital"
for business; it should, secondarily, help high-tech companies
by supporting research. Carr compared the debate about the
University's future to similar discussions about the state's
economy. The state, he said, "must choose some specific
[economic] clusters to invest in. We need to focus; we need
to pick our clusters. Perhaps the University is going to have
to make some of those tough decisions too."
But as soon as Carr sat down, Jay Miskowiec, an instructor
of journalism at Minneapolis Community and Technical College
- who acknowledged there is "probably room for consolidation"
at the University - decried "this trend toward a corporate
model at the university, where things are governed by cost-benefit
analysis." He argued in favor of preserving liberal arts
programs, without regard to"whether something fits into
some economic cluster model."
MnSCU and the University of Minnesota
Certainly the higher education landscape of Minnesota
has changed radically since the University was founded 150
years ago. Perhaps the most significant change, suggested
Dean Barkley, the Director of Minnesota Planning (and Jesse
Ventura's former campaign manager), is the establishment of
the sprawling statewide MnSCU system. "Are there some
things the U maybe does not have to do any more because of
the MnSCU system?" he asked.
Prepare Enlightened Citizens
Peg Chamberlain, the executive director of the Minnesota
Council of Churches, said the land-grant charge to "prepare
an enlightened citizenry" complements the University's
role as an economic engine providing both research and workers.
"One is about [fostering] private wealth," she said.
"But there is no private wealth without the commonwealth.
Let us not, in our envisioning, separate out access and excellence
as if they were two different things."
How Elite Will the University
Responding to a suggestion that the University might
become more like the University of Michigan, which has higher
academic standards and charges higher tuition, Gerald Fischer,
president of the University of Minnesota Foundation, said,
"Minnesotans have always distrusted elitism. There's
a lot of elitism at the University of Michigan. The University
does the best job, probably, of any university in the country
of balancing access with excellence. The beauty of that is
that we can provide excellence for everyone."
Prepare Students of Color
And Victoria Davis,
the education chair for the St. Paul NAACP, pressed the University
not to trim programs but to expand efforts to fulfill its
historic mission by implementing a permanent, comprehensive
plan to make the University more diverse and to increase the
graduationrate for African-Americans and other students of
Focus, Make Choices
One of the few who argued for a fundamental redefinition
of the University's mission was David Strom, legislative director
of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota, who objected to suggestions
that the University "should try to be all things to all
people," and, at the same time, could aspire to be a
truly great research university. "I think those things
are ultimately incompatible," he added. "The University
of Minnesota should focus on a mission of bringing excellence
to Minnesota. And the only way to do that is to choose. You
have to focus."

Panelists included:
· Wendell Anderson
- Former Minnesota Governor, former Regent, University of
· Peggy Leppik
- Republican State Representative and Chair of the House Higher
Education Finance Committee
· Pamela A. Wheelock
- Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Finance
· Deanna Wiener
- Democratic State Senator and Chair of the Senate Higher
Education Budget Division
· Mark Yudof -
President, University of Minnesota
President Yudof:
We Have Made Choices
To begin the second half of the Town Meeting, during
which a panel of experts discussed the University's future,
President Yudof described how administrators have already
done the sort of focusing and belt-tightening anticipated
by Governor Ventura's lean budget proposal. During his tenure,
Yudof said, the University has worked hard to improve undergraduate
education, has shifted substantial amounts of money to high-priority
departments like agriculture and biotechnology, and has cut
$33 million in administrative costs. "I think we have
made choices," he said. "We have focused."
And more focusing is to come: In Yudof's vision, for example,
the medical school would focus on developing just ten "world-class"
Medical School and the State's
Well Being
The debate about the University's future, Yudof pointed
out, has profound implications for everyone who lives in Minnesota.
The Academic Health Center, for example, educates a majority
of the state's physicians, as well as many of its dentists,
nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals; a
top-quality medical school might mean the difference between
life and death for someone from rural Minnesota who has leukemia.
"The medical school has been falling over time,"
Yudofsaid. "The governor, to his great credit, did put
significant funds in for the medical school, but there are
more things that need to be done."
Become A Top Five Public Research
Yudof boldly stated his goal of making Minnesota one
of the top five public research institutions in the country.
At the same time, he added,the University can't be all things
to all people; it must graduallyfocus its efforts. "It
is like steering a large ship," he said. "Youdon't
do it all overnight."
Nor can it be done without good people, Yudof added. "Without
the people to carry out these programs, they don't work. It
really is, if you will, like the NFL. If you're hiring a molecular
biologist, you're either in the market or you're not. If you
want to do that work, you pay the price. If you don't want
to pay the price, then don't get in thebusiness in the first
Deanna Wiener, Democratic state senator and chair of the Senate
Higher Education Budget Division, agreed saying, competition
does not come without money. She said, "If we want to
be competitive we are going to have to decide, where do we
want to compete." She told of a top cancer researcher
at the University being offered substantially more money by
another university. Without adequate compensation we will
lose that kind of faculty, she said, "because they are
not going to stay out of the goodness of their heart."
Do Both More and Less
"I think we have to do both more and less,"
Yudof concluded "We may need to pare back, but then there
are other ways, [in which] we probably need to do more than
we're doing now, and be more engaged."
The other panelists:
Leppik: MnSCU vs. University of
Minnesota Choices
State Representative Peggy Leppik, a Republican who
chairs the House Higher Education Finance Committee, saw a
tension between the needs of the university and those of MNSCU.
"We can't afford to maintain both of these systems with
the resources that we've chosen to give to higher education,"
she argued.
Wheelock: Consider Directly Subsidizing
Department of Finance Commissioner Pamela Wheelock
argued that a more mobile society, which encourages competition
among geographically distant universities for students and
research money, all but requires the University to focus where
it has a competitive advantage. She also suggested that the
state consider ways of encouraging competition for students,
such as directly subsidizing students rather than the University--giving
students a choice of where to spend tuition money.
Anderson: We Can Have both Access
and Excellence
When Gary Eichten asked panelists a question he had
asked the audience whether Minnesota should move to a more
selective, University of Michigan-type model, with lesser
students being steered to MnSCU--former Minnesota governor
and University regent Wendell Anderson quickly rejected the
idea as unnecessary. "I feel strongly we can have access,
and we can have excellence," he said."We don't have
the option to be a University of Michigan," Representative
Leppik added. "The University of Michigan is not a land-grant
university. We have a different mission here, a far more inclusive
mission, that includes education and teaching, research, and
Anderson: A University and a
Corporation Are Different
Anderson drew cheers - the first of the afternoon -
by saying, "You don't run a great research university
like a corporation." He quoted another former Governor,
Elmer Andersen, a long-time CEO, as saying,"'You have
to nurture a research university, and you have to give it
adequate resources.'"The Governor's budget disappoints
me," Anderson added. "There have been other budgets
presented by a governor during difficult times that I thought
shortchanged the university. This is the first budget that
I've ever seen, during a period of surplus, that shortchanges
not only the University but education in general. I believe,
[we should give] more dollars for education. It's a great
Strengthen Ties with Urban Schools
Patricia Harvey, superintendent of the St. Paul public
schools, picked up on this theme, encouraging University administrators
to strengthen ties with urban schools and to encourage the
state's best students to stay at home. She suggested offering
incentives such as free tuition; in response, Yudof cited
a program in Georgia, which guarantees free tuition to in-state
students who maintain a certain grade point average in high
school. The president called the lack of cooperation between
colleges and metropolitan school districts a "disgrace"
and said he was deeply bothered by the University's and other
institutions' failure to serve students of color better.
Support the University
A second and final burst of applause was reserved
for Tom Swain, a retired St. Paul Companies executive, who
argued that a prestigious university will help to attract
top faculty and graduate students. "I've got a burning
feeling that the current number that is before the legislature
from the governor is mostly inadequate," he added. "I'm
80 years old. I've paid my taxes. I stay here. I haven't bailed
out. I feel that it's an honor to continue to pay taxes. And
the most important thing, to me, is to retain the viability
of this institution."