A Mirror on Morality

Since the November, 2004, election, much has been said about moral values. Many people say their beliefs don't just play an important role in their life, but also in how they vote. Conservative Christians voted in large numbers, helping to re-elect President Bush. We held a series of conversations with parishioners from around the region about how their moral values play into their political decisions.

Listen to story Audio Emmanuel Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, Minneapolis
Emmanuel Tabernacle Church of God in Christ is located in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis. The Church of God in Christ is the largest denomination of the Pentacostal sect of Christianity. Its congregations are predominantly African American, and it is the second largest denomination of black Protestants next to Baptists. Three member of this church are uncomfortable with the mixing of religion and politics.
Listen to story Audio Established Heart Community Church, St. Paul
At Established Heart Community Church in St. Paul, moral values was certainly a top priority for some members we spoke to.
Listen to story Audio Macalester Plymouth United Church, St. Paul
Exit polls suggest many Christians cast their ballots based on moral concerns, including strong opposition to gay marriage. That issue was deeply personal for six parishioners we spoke with at Macalester Plymouth United Church in St. Paul -- five gay men and one lesbian woman.
Listen to story Audio Beth Jacob congregation, Mendota Heights
Beth Jacob is a Conservative Jewish congregation in Mendota Heights, a suburb of St. Paul. There are three major Judaic movements in this country. Conservative Jews are in the middle in terms of their adherence to Jewish practices. Conservative Judaism does not mean the members are politically conservative. Indeed, the four members we talked to -- Beth Jacob's rabbi, Morris Allen, along with Gila Drazen, Holly Brod Farber and Earl Schwartz, all voted for Democrat John Kerry.
Listen to story Audio Triumph Lutheran Brethren, Moorhead
One conversation took place at Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church in Moorhead.
Listen to story Audio Albion Evangelical, Cokato
Four members of the Albion Evangelical Free Church near Cokato shared their thoughts on morality and politics.
Listen to story Audio Chester Park UMC, Duluth
Parishioners of Chester Park United Methodist Church in Duluth are spread across the political spectrum.
Listen to story Audio St. Mark's Episcopal, Minneapolis
Members of St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Minneapolis share their thoughts on the presidential election and how moral values played into the campaign.

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Audio Making sense of morality (Midmorning, 11/24/04)

Audio New York Times columnist David Brooks on religion and politics (Midday, 12/2/04)

Document Beyond the God Gap (Speaking of Faith, 9/16/04)

Document The other religious America in Election 2004 (Speaking of Faith, 10/21/04)

Document The Religious Roots of American Democracy (Speaking of Faith, 7/1/04)

Other voices

Document A definition of morality, Wikipedia

Document Resources on ethics and moral values, Virtual Religion Index

Document Christian Coalition of America

Document The Interfaith Alliance

Document God-talk and moral values, Sojourners

Document The Moral Values Myth, Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post

Document Decoding "moral values," Poynter Institute