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Ventura Approval Poll
July 10, 2001
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Question: How would you rate the performance of Jesse Ventura as governor: excellent, pretty good, fair, or poor?

Option State Men Women
Excellent 15% 18% 12%
Good 36% 40% 32%
Fair 31% 27% 35%
Poor 17% 14% 20%
Undecided 1% 1% 1%

QUESTION: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Gov. Ventura is a needed breath of fresh air in state government?

Option State  Men  Women
Agree 55% 61% 49%
Disagree 41% 37% 45%
Not Sure 4% 2% 6%

QUESTION: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Gov. Ventura is an embarrassment to the state?

Option State  Men  Women
Agree 38% 30% 46%
Disagree 57% 66% 48%
Not Sure 5% 4% 6%

QUESTION:  Do you think Gov. Jesse Ventura should run for re-election next year?

Option State  Men  Women
Yes 47% 54% 40%
No 42% 38% 46%
Not Sure 11% 8% 14%

If Gov. Ventura runs for re-election in 2002, would you be inclined to vote for him or would you be inclined to vote for someone else?

Option State  Men  Women
Ventura 37% 42% 32%
Someone Else 45% 41% 49%
Not Sure 18% 17% 19%

Did you vote for Jesse Ventura in the 1998 election, or did you vote for someone else?

Option State  Men  Women
Ventura 38% 42% 34%
Someone Else 59% 55% 63%
Not Sure 3% 3% 3%


Ventura's Job Performance Excellent Good Fair Poor Undecided
December '98 14% 55% 12% 3% 16%
April '99 12% 45% 24% 2% 17%
July '99 11% 45% 35% 8% 1%
October '99 7% 36% 31% 25% 1%
February '00 9% 43% 28% 18% 2%
July '00 14% 42% 30% 13% 1%
February '01 11% 44% 28% 15% 2%
July '01 15% 36% 31% 17% 1%
Consider Ventura "A breath of fresh air"  
December '98 45%
April '99 54%
July '99 49%
October '99 30%
February '00 54%
July '00 62%
February '01 59%
July '01 55%

Consider Ventura "an embarrassment"  
December '98 3%
April '99 5%
July '99 16%
October '99 43%
February '00 43%
July '00 30%
February '01 41%
July '01 38%

QUESTION:  I am going to list a number of prominent Minnesota political figures, both past and present, and would like for you to rate their contribution to the state.  After I read each name, please tell me if you feel they made a great contribution, a major contribution, a minor contribution, or an insignificant contribution to the citizens of Minnesota during their public service.

Option Great Major Minor Insignificant Don't Know
Hubert Humphrey 35% 41% 13% 6% 5%
Arne Carlson 19% 38% 27% 9% 7%
Walter Mondale 19% 36% 35% 6% 4%
Jesse Ventura 17% 29% 36% 14% 4%
Rudy Perpich 14% 29% 42% 8% 7%
"Skip" Humphrey 14% 21% 44% 15% 6%
Mike Hatch 7% 18% 41% 10% 24%
Roger Moe 7% 17% 40% 16% 20%
Steve Sviggum 6% 20% 31% 13% 30%
Al Quie 4% 19% 37% 9% 31%

The Mason-Dixon poll was conducted July 2-3 and July 5, 2001. by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc. of Washington, D.C. A total of 627 registered Minnesota voters were interviewed by telephone. All stated they regularly vote in state elections.

Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers. A cross-section of exchanges were utilized in order to ensure an accurate reflection of the state. Quotas were assigned to reflect voter turn-out by county.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 4 percentage points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the "true" figure would fall within that range if the entire population were sampled. The margin for error is higher for any subgroup, such as a regional or gender grouping.

Sample Figures:
Men 312 (50%)
Women 315 (50%)

Region Interviews
Minneapolis/St. Paul 351 interviews
Rochester/Southeast 70 interviews
Southwest Minnesota 65 interviews
Northwest Minnesota 69 interviews
Duluth/Northeast 72 interviews

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Poll Copyright 2001, Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved