Age: 53
Born: Saint Paul, MN.
Personal: Married (Ann), three children (Caroline, Dominic, Adam)
Resides: Mendota Heights
Occupation: Lawyer
Education: College of St. Thomas, B.S. 1968
University of Minnesota Law School, J.D. 1971
Web Site: http://www.ciresiforsenate.com/
Campaign finance report
Attorney Michael V. Ciresi announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate on October 13, 1999.
Dayton Ousts Grams from Senate
DFLer Mark Dayton is headed to Washington after defeating incumbent Republican Rod Grams. Unofficial returns show Dayton with 49 percent of the vote and Grams with 43 percent. Independence Party candidate James Gibson finished a distant third with six percent, but enough to keep major-party status. November 7, 2000
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Candidates Wield Sharp Rhetoric in Final Debate A sense of urgency prevailed at the final debate of U.S. Senate candidates Sunday night. With the general election capping the campaign Tuesday, James Gibson, Mark Dayton, and Rod Grams displayed a harsher tone at the Fitzgerald Theater. But none of the candidates strayed from the dominant themes of the campaign: health care and Social Security. November 5, 2000
Dayton's Gun Control Position Questioned
A U.S. Senate debate at the Mall of America raised questions about DFLer Mark Dayton's position on gun control. As Dayton sparred with incumbent Republican Rod Grams and Independence Party candidate James Gibson, he seemed to contradict positions he staked out earlier in the campaign. November 3, 2000
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Poll: Senate Race is Close
DFL Senate candidate Mark Dayton maintains his advantage over Republican Sen. Rod Grams in the latest poll for Minnesota Public Radio, the Pioneer Press and KARE-TV. The former state auditor leads Grams by five percentage points, the same margin reported in the last MPR poll in September. October 31, 2000
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Ad Watch: The Ad Police Chastise the Candidates
Minnesota's U.S. Senate race is the most expensive in the state's history, and much of the nearly $10 million spent by the three major candidates so far has been used on television ads. A group of citizens - the Ad Police - watched some of the latest commercials, and they're not happy. October 25, 2000
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Social Issues Highlighted in Senate Debate
Minnesota's three major U.S. Senate candidates tackled social and fiscal issues and their own campaign spending and attack ads Wednesday in their first televised debate. NBC's Tim Russert helped moderate the debate, which took place in Minneapolis before an audience convened by the Minnesota Meeting organization. October 19, 2000
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Debate Features Alternative Senate Candidates
Third, fourth and fifth-party candidates for U.S. Senate had their say in a half-hour debate on Twin Cities Public Television on October 16. Senate candidates from the Grassroots, Socialist Workers, Independence, Constitution and Libertarian parties took audience questions and probed each other's views. Issues ranged from eliminating the federal income tax to forming a "workers' government" and cutting back corporate welfare. On the international front, the candidates showed greater unity in wanting the U.S. out of most foreign affairs.October 17, 2000
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Environmental Issues Lead Senate Debate
In their first debate outside the Twin Cities, Republican incumbent Rod Grams, DFL candidate Mark Dayton and Independence Party candidate James Gibson squared off on issues that haven't gotten much attention in the campaign for U.S. Senate, dealing with the environment and the use of federal lands. October 15, 2000
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Attack of the Attack Ads
For years, voters have said they're tired of negative TV ads from political candidates. But as the general campaign of Campaign 2000 winds down, many candidates are unleashing attack ads. October 5, 2000
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Senate Candidates Debate; Dayton Sells Stock
Democratic Senate candidate Mark Dayton says he has sold all of his individual stock holdings. Republican incumbent Senator Rod Grams has been calling Dayton a "hypocrite" for selling energy and pharmaceutical stocks now that's he's running for office. October 2, 2000
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Poll: Dayton Catches Grams
The first poll since the primary election shows Mark Dayton has garnered much of the previously undecided vote, and now leads incumbent U.S. Senator Rod Grams. 9/28/2000
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Senate Candidates in Television War
A week into the general election campaign, the first attack ads of Minnesota's U.S. Senate race are on the air. The Republican National Committee and Republican Senator Rod Grams are running a commercial questioning the credibility of DFL Senate candidate Mark Dayton. Dayton is out with his own ad challenging Grams on the issue of Social Security, but it doesn't rise to the level of a personal attack. 9/20/2000
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The First Debate
In their first face-to-face meeting since the primary election, the candidates focus on the hot issue of the primary campaign: health care. The trio also sparred over what to do with the budget surplus. 9/18/2000
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For more stories on the Senate campaign, see our archive of campaign stories.
Too Many Democrats?
December 8, 1999
Democratic strategists are uneasy about the big, contentious field of candidates for U.S. Senate in Minnesota. Some are already worried about a replay of 1998, when five DFLers slugged it out in the gubernatorial primary.
Read | Listen
October 13, 1999
Michael Ciresi announces his candidacy for U.S. Senate. MPR's Martin Kaste profiles the man who made a name for himself through the Minnesota tobacco trial.
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Midday Interview
December 16, 1999
Ciresi was a guest on MPR's Midday broadcast and fielded calls from listeners regarding his stand on the issues.
U.S. Senate Debate - MPR's Fitzgerald Forum
November 5, 2000
In the final debate of Campaign 2000, the three major candidates for U.S. Senate - James Gibson, Rod Grams, and Mark Dayton - took part in a spirited debate at the Fitzgerald Theater in Saint Paul. The debate focused on Social Security and health care issues. (Hour One | Hour Two)
Third District Candidates Debate - MPR's Midday
November 2, 2000
Incumbent Jim Ramstad (Republican) and challenger Sue Shuff (DFL) appeared on MPR's Midday with Gary Eichten to discuss the issues in their race.
Fifth District Candidates Debate - MPR's Midday
November 2, 2000
Incumbent Martin Sabo (DFL) and challenger Frank Taylor (Republican) appeared on MPR's Midday with Gary Eichten to discuss the issues in their race.
Fourth District Candidates Debate - MPR's Midday
October 30, 2000
Linda Runbeck, Betty McCollum, and Tom Foley debated on MPR's Midday with Gary Eichten. They're vying for the seat of the late congressman, Bruce Vento.
Senate Candidates Debate - Mankato
October 23, 2000
Bethany Lutheran College hosted the debate of candidates for Senate from Minnesota, which was broadcast on MPR's Midday program. The debate featured Republican incumbent Rod Grams, DFLer Mark Dayton, Independence Party candidate James Gibson, and Constitution Party candidate David Swan. MPR's Gary Eichten moderated the debate.
1st District Congressional Debate - KLSE/KZSE Rochester
October 18, 2000
MPR's Art Hughes moderated a one-hour program featuring Republican incumbent Cong. Gil Gutknecht and DFL challenger Mary Rieder.
Presidential Debate - St. Louis
October 17, 2000
Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore held their third - and final - debate. The St. Louis debate featured a town-meeting style format. The moderator was Jim Lehrer.
U.S. Senate Debate - Duluth
October 15, 2000
The three major candidates for the U.S. Senate held a debate in Duluth. Rod Grams, Mark Dayton, and James Gibson focuses on many regional issues, including the balance between protecting the environment and developing the region's economy.
( Listen - Hour One | Listen - Hour Two )
Fourth District Debate - Saint Paul
October 12, 2000
The three major candidates for congress from the 4th district debated in a forum, sponsored by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce.
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Presidential Debate - North Carolina
October 11, 2000
Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore held their second debate On October 11. The format was more informal than the previous debate. The moderator was Jim Lehrer.
Presidential Debate - Boston
October 3, 2000
Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore held their first debate at the University of Massachusetts - Boston. The moderator was Jim Lehrer.
U.S. Senate Debate - Ham Lake
October 2, 2000
Republican incumbent Rod Grams, DFLer Mark Dayton, and Independence Party candidate James Gibson held their second debate of the general campaign season before the North-Metro Chamber of Commerce.
Sixth Congressional District Debate - Ham Lake
September 29, 2000
Incumbent Democrat Bill Luther and Republican Challenger John Kline held their first debate in an appearance before the North-Metro Chamber of Commerce.
Minor Party Presidential Candidates Debate - Saint Paul
September 28, 2000
Libertarian candidate Harry Browne, Constitution Party candidate Howard Phillips, Natural Law Party candidate John Hagelin took part in a debate, sponsored by the Minnesota Independence Party.
The First Debate - Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
September 18, 2000
James Gibson, Rod Grams, and Mark Dayton squared off face-to-face for the first time since the primary. Health care dominated the debate.
Listen | Read story
DFL Senate Candidate Debate - Fitzgerald Theater, Saint Paul
September 10, 2000
In the final debate of the primary campaign, Mike Ciresi, Mark Dayton, Jerry Janezich, and Rebecca Yanisch faced off before a live audience.
Hour One |
Hour Two | Read story
Independence Party Senate Candidate Debate - MPR's Midday
September 5, 2000
Leslie Davis, James Gibson, and Buford Johnson debated on MPR's Midday program.
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Fourth District Debate - Mn. State Fair
August 31, 2000
In separate debates, the DFL and Independence Party candidates for the Fourth District seat of Congressman Bruce Vento debated.
( Listen to Hour One | Listen to Hour Two)
DFL Senate Debate - MPR's Midday
August 11, 2000
Four major candidates for the DFL nomination for U.S. Senate debated on MPR's Midday. Jerry Janezich, Mike Ciresi, Rebecca Yanisch, and Mark Dayton engaged in a two-hour debate on the issues.
( Listen to Hour One | Listen to Hour Two)
Farmfest Forum on Rural Issues - Redwood Falls
August 2, 2000
At Farmfest, several DFL and Independence Party candidates participated in a forum to discuss rural issues in the U.S. Senate campaign in Minnesota.
Part One (Listen) | Hour Two (Listen)
Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL Debate - University of Minnesota
May 30, 2000
- Hour One |
Listen - Hour Two | Hear story
Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL Forum - Lucille's Kitchen - Minneapolis
May 16, 2000
A discussion of racial issues sponsored by KMOJ Radio and Insight
Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL Debate - St. Paul
March 10, 2000
Listen - Hour One | Listen - Hour Two | Read
Democratic Presidential Debate - New York
February 21, 2000
Democratic Presidential Debate - New Hampshire
January 26, 2000
Republican Presidential Debate - New Hampshire
January 26, 2000
Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL Debate - Mankato
January 18, 2000
Democratic Presidential Debate - Iowa
January 17, 2000
Republican Presidential Debate - Michigan
January 10, 2000
Republican Presidential Debate - South Carolina
January 7, 2000
Republican Presidential Debate - New Hampshire
January 6, 2000
John McCain, George W. Bush, Orrin Hatch, Alan Keyes, Steve Forbes, and Gary Bauer debated at the University of New Hampshire, weeks shy of the New Hampshire primary.
Democratic Presidential Debate - New Hampshire
January 5, 2000
Al Gore and Bill Bradley debated at the University of New Hampshire. Gore attacked Bradley on his health care plan. Bradley suggested Gore was a Washington "insider."