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Go to Rekindling the Spirit: The Rebirth of American Indian Spirituality
DocumentRekindling the Spirit: The Rebirth of American Indian Spirituality
DocumentPart 1: The spirits spoke to him
DocumentPart 2: The seventh fire
DocumentPart 3: Christianizing the Indians
DocumentPart 4: One church, two traditions
DocumentPart 5: Where tradition thrives
DocumentPart 6: Ceremony and symbolism
DocumentPart 7: The healing spirit
DocumentPart 8: Returning to the Red Road
Document'The jewelry on American culture'
DocumentPreserving the language
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A collage of American Indian voices talking about their spiritual beliefs. Listen.

What is traditional? Tony Treuer, Ojibwe language professor at Bemidji State University. Listen.

The importance of the Ojibwe language in Native spirituality. Tony Treuer. Listen.

The role of storytelling. Frank Dickenson, Red Lake tribal elder. Listen.


Is it sacred enough? Winona LaDuke, White Earth Reservation. Read.

Find common ground. Father Bill Mehrkens, St. Mary's Mission, Red Lake Reservation. Read.

A reflection on Native spirituality. Rev. Lisa White Smith, Episcopal priest, White Earth Reservation. Read.

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