The Seven Grandfathers
Nbaakaawin -– Wisdom: To cherish knowledge is to know wisdom. Wisdom is given by the Creator to be used for the good of the people.
Zaagidwin -- Love: Love must be unconditional. When people are weak they need love the most.
Mnaadendmowin -- Respect: Have respect for all that is. All of creation should be treated with respect. You must give respect if you wish to be respected.
Aakdehewin -- Bravery: To face a foe with integrity. To do what's right even when the consequences are unpleasant.
Gwekwaadziwin -- Honesty: Always be honest in word and action. Be honest first with yourself, and you will more easily be able to be honest with others.
Dbaadendizin -- Humility: You are equal to others, but you are not better.
Debwewin -- Truth: Speak the truth. Do not deceive yourself or others.
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