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A chat with the pie lady

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Afton, Minnesota resident Anne Dimock has written a new book -- part cookbook, part memoir, part social commentary -- about pie. (Image courtesy of Andrews McMeel Publishing)
Are you a pie person, who enjoys the sweetness of apple pie or the tart tang of lemon meringue? Anne Dimock is one of those people who is passionate about pie. She has written a new book that's full of stories about pie.

St. Paul, Minn. — Anne Dimock is a pie lover. She grew up making apple pies at her mother's elbow, and now bakes from her home in Afton, Minnesota.

Dimock has written a book called "Humble Pie: Musings on What Lies Beneath the Crust." The book is part memoir, part cookbook, and part social commentary.

One of the goals of the book, Dimock says, is to encourage people to try their hand at making a pie every now and then.

Pie-making is "like tying a shoelace," she says. "It looks like a complicated knot, but you just make a few loops and tug them into place. Eventually that's how making a pie will feel to you."

Dimock began the series that evolved into "Humble Pie" for her community newspaper, where she was a monthly contributor.

Anne brought a picture-perfect apple pie to the MPR studio recently, where she talked with Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer about the secrets and the mystique of pie.

To listen to their interview, choose the audio link in the right column.
