Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Go to Growing pains on the Iron Range
Growing pains on the Iron Range
Boomtime coming on the Iron Range
Projects in the pipeline for the Iron Range
Looking for workers on the Range
Range development and the parks
Mercury concerns on the Range
The debate over sulfide mining
A timeline of the Iron Range
Recipes from the Iron Range


A timeline of Minnesota's Iron Range
Minnesota's Iron Range was formed some two billion years ago, and its rich iron ore deposits have been mined since the mid-1800s. Here are some notable events in the history of the area.

1865 George Stuntz discovers iron ore near Lake Vermilion while investigating a report of gold deposits in the area.
1868 The Minnesota Legislature commissions Stuntz to build the Vermilion Trail.
1884 First ore ships from the Vermilion Range.
1892 First ore ships from the Mesabi Range.
1911 First ore ships from the Cuyuna Range.
1907 The Western Federation of Miners organizes a labor strike on the Mesabi Range. The first widespread labor strike on the Range is relatively peaceful and short-lived, but yields no significant gains for the miners.
1908 After a summer of extensive drought, Chisholm is devastated by forest fire.
1916 The second major labor strike in the region, this time organized by the Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the World) is marked by violence and intimidation.
1924 The worst mining disaster in Minnesota takes place on the Cuyuna Range, as 41 miners drown in the Milford mine when nearby Lake Foley breaks through the underground mine.
1930-1935 More than one-half of iron ore extracted from the earth originates in Minnesota mines.
1941 The first tax on taconite, a black magnetic iron-bearing ore, goes into effect in Minnesota.
1951 More than 82 percent of iron ore extracted from United States' mines originates in Minnesota.
1959 The opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway makes the Iron Range accessible to the Atlantic Ocean.
1967 Last iron ore shipment leaves the Vermilion iron range.
1980 Last iron ore shipment leaves the Cuyuna iron range.
1982 Taconite mining emerges as the future employment source for the Iron Range, providing jobs for 12,000 workers. The subsequent recession and trend toward mechanization reduces that number by half within 15 years.
1984 Last iron ore shipment leaves the Mesabi iron range, ending Minnesota's direct iron ore industry and confirming a difficult depression on the Iron Range.
