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Convention recap.

NPR Convention Coverage

MPR's Campaign 2000

Philadelphia, PA.
July 31 - August 3, 2000

Reporter's Notebook | Convention Audio | Stories

Though the outcome of the Republican National Convention is certain, many delegates see the convention as an opportunity to communicate the party's vision.

Mike Mulcahy's Reporter's Notebook

Current Notebook

Friday, August 4
Maybe it's only coincidence, but in a largely-Democratic city, Philadelphia officials locked reporters out of the convention hall Thursday night to cover the acceptance speech by George W. Bush.

Previous Notebooks

Thursday, August 3
That's not Jesse, it's a fish - Coffee with Gil - Kiffmeyer schmoozes

Wednesday, August 2
Running against Jesse?

Tuesday, August 1
Jesse Who? - Unanimous? - Things To Do In Philly

Monday, July 31
Minnesota Monday - No Hats! - Hard Traveling

Sunday, July 30
Does He Know Something? - Security Concerns - Whip it Good

Convention Audio

Sen. Rod Grams
July 31, 2000

Linda Runbeck July 31, 2000

Convention Stories
The Party's Over, Delegates Go Back to Work
George W. Bush's speech accepting the Republican National Convention's endorsement sends Minnesota's delegates home with a sense that the Gopher state can go Republican. August 4, 2000
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Minnesota Delegation Cheers Cheney Speech
George W. Bush's running mate, Dick Cheney, spoke to the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia and brought the Minnesota delegation to its feet.
August 1, 2000
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Future Tense: Republican Convention on the 'Net
As television networks scale back their coverage of political conventions, cable television and the Internet are picking up the slack. Many Web sites are Webcasting the conventions live, gavel to gavel. Some even let viewers choose vantage points for sight and sound. August 1, 2000

Rod Grams on Midday
Sen. Rod Grams on MPR's Midday, just after his speech to the delegates in Philadelphia. July 31, 2000

Three Minnesotans Speak on GOP Convention's First Day
The Republican National Convention is underway in Philadelpia. The first day's speakers included three Minnesota candidates: Senator Rod Grams, who is up for re-election this year, and Congressional candidates Linda Runbeck and John Kline. July 31, 2000
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Convention Battles Gone, But Drama Remains
The Republican National Convention has begun in Philadelphia. The gathering will culminate Thursday night with the formal endorsement of Texas Governor George W. Bush as the GOP's presidential nominee. Although the party's major decisions have been made in advance of the convention, Minnesota's delegation say there's still reason to be excited. July 31, 2000
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