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Soua Yang's slideshow of Laos and Thailand
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This is a picture of Shau's grandparents. The lady on the left is their grandma and the man in the middle is her grandpa. I am not sure who the lady on the right is. This was when we first got there and we found out that their grandpa didn't.t past away yet. We thought that he had past away but it turned out that he didn't. The two ladies were trying to tell Shau's grandpa that his granddaughters have arrived. This was hard to do because he is really hard of hearing.After many many tries he finally understood. (Photo courtesy of Soua Yang)

St. Paul, Minn. — Soua Yang is one of the St. Paul students who traveled to Laos and Thailand, to visit the homeland of their ancestors. We gave her a digital camera and asked her to chronicle her journey with a diary and this slideshow.

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