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The Presidential Race

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Online Chats
Join us every Thursday at 5 p.m. CT for live online chats with NPR analysts to discuss the latest campaign news.

U.S. Senate - 8/25/00 President - 8/24/00

Presidential Conversations:
Pat Buchanan (2/24/00)

Senatorial Conversations
Mike Ciresi (12/16/99
Mark Dayton (5/1/00)
Leslie Davis (7/5/00)
James Gibson (6/26/00)
Rod Grams (8/24/00)
Jerry Janezich (6/5/00)
Buford Johnson (7/24/00)
Steve Kelley (10/21/99)
David Lillehaug (3/7/99)
Steve Miles (6/18/99)
Derek Schramm (7/27/00)
David Swan (7/27/00)
Rebecca Yanisch (2/4/00)

The States:
Iowa Caucus archive
New Hampshire primary

Ad Watch 2000
Minnesota Public Radio analyzes the political advertising of this campaign. Who finances them? Do they tell the truth? See our Ad Watch section.


Child Poverty
American RadioWorks documents the extent of the problem in its "The Forgotten 14 Million" series.

Campaign Finance Reform
A look at the extent to which money influences politics in U.S. states.

Graduation Standards
MPR's "Guinea Pig Kids" series looks at the debate over whether new graduation standards work.

Health Care's Cost
Prescription for Change investigates the growing cost of prescription drugs for Minnesota's seniors.

High Tech Economy
Is Minnesota doing what it should to take advantage of its high-tech roots? MPR's "Minnesota in the .Com Age" finds out.

MPR's "Surveillance Society" takes a look at the erosion of personal privacy in America

"Welfare to Work." Where do we go from here?

Related Links
· Checks and Balances
· Politics in Minnesota
· Minnesota e-democracy
· Minnesota campaign finance
· Minnesota Secretary of State Elections Division
· Election '98
· Presidential Candidate Conversations (WBUR)

The election of 2000 is shaping up as one of the defining campaigns in American politics. The election will provide a test of the strength of the third-party movement in Minnesota, now led by the Independence Party in the race for U.S. Senate. Third-party candidates are also a factor in the race for president. You'll find all of the political stories - national and local - in this section.

Candidate info | Minnesota Conventions | Stories | Debates


Campaign 2000 Day of Decision
Dozens of primary races are being decided tonight in the state's primary election. The notable race is for the DFL nomination for U.S. Senate. During the evening, see election results online, listen to MPR's broadcast coverage, and see images from the studios during our coverage (8-10 p.m.), and join in an online discussion on the election in the MPR Forum.
Related Sites:
Election Results (Secretary of State)

Minnesota Races

The following sections provide extensive information on the candidate, issues, the latest fundraising figures, as well as in-depth audio interviews.

Fourth District

Latest Campaign Stories from MPR
Four Candidates, Few Differences
The candidates for the DFL nomination for U.S. Senate squared off in the final debate of the primary election season Sunday night in Saint Paul. But their efforts to separate themselves from each other failed, as the debate revealed more about what they have in common. 9/8/2000

Political Ads Play Loose with Facts
An estimated $7 million has already been spent on ads in Minnesota's DFL Senate primary race, and the candidates are increasing their presence in the final days of the campaign. The three big spenders - Mike Ciresi, Mark Dayton and Rebecca Yanisch - are running new television spots touting their various endorsements, but the ads of all three contain some misleading elements, according to an ad analyst. 9/8/2000

Ad Watch: The Fourth District Race
The Fourth District Congressional candidates are competing for voters' attention in a campaign that's largely been dominated by the big-money Senate candidate ad buys. 9/6/2000

Independence Party Senate Candidate Debate - MPR's Midday
September 5, 2000
Leslie Davis, James Gibson, Fred Askew, and Buford Johnson debated on MPR's Midday program. ( Listen)

Fourth District Candidates Debate at State Fair
Candidates vying to succeed Bruce Vento in Congress debated on Minnesota Public Radio. The race is developing into the state's hottest contest. 8/31/2000

The Money Trail
DFL Senate candidate Mark Dayton spent nearly $3 million dollars on his campaign in the past seven and a half weeks. That's nearly twice the spending of his nearest financial competitor among the DFL Senate candidates. Dayton used the bulk of the money on television ads that have been saturating the airwaves and may have led to his recent bump in the polls. 8/25/2000

See More Stories

Party Conventions

Democratic National Convention - Los Angeles
Hear major speeches from the convention, learn about the Minnesota delegation, read the daily reporter's notebook. We also provide a slideshow of convention activity. August 14 - August 18, 2000
Read more

Republican National Convention - Philadelphia
Hear major speeches from the convention, learn about the Minnesota delegation, read the daily reporter's notebook. We also provide a slideshow of convention activity. July 31 - August 3, 2000
Read more

Independence Party Convention
MPR's Midday presented a special prior to the start of the Independence Party Convention. June 23, 2000

DFL Convention - Rochester
MPR's Midday presented a two-hour special at the start of the DFL Convention. June 2, 2000
Hour One | Hour One

GOP Convention - Rochester
MPR's Midday presented a two-hour special at the start of the GOP Convention. June 9, 2000
Hour One | Hour One

For more convention audio, see the Republican Convention section.


U.S. Senate Debate - MPR's Fitzgerald Forum
November 5, 2000
In the final debate of Campaign 2000, the three major candidates for U.S. Senate - James Gibson, Rod Grams, and Mark Dayton - took part in a spirited debate at the Fitzgerald Theater in Saint Paul. The debate focused on Social Security and health care issues.
Hour One | Hour Two)

Third District Candidates Debate - MPR's Midday
November 2, 2000
Incumbent Jim Ramstad (Republican) and challenger Sue Shuff (DFL) appeared on MPR's Midday with Gary Eichten to discuss the issues in their race.

Fifth District Candidates Debate - MPR's Midday
November 2, 2000
Incumbent Martin Sabo (DFL) and challenger Frank Taylor (Republican) appeared on MPR's Midday with Gary Eichten to discuss the issues in their race.

Fourth District Candidates Debate - MPR's Midday
October 30, 2000
Linda Runbeck, Betty McCollum, and Tom Foley debated on MPR's Midday with Gary Eichten. They're vying for the seat of the late congressman, Bruce Vento.

Senate Candidates Debate - Mankato
October 23, 2000
Bethany Lutheran College hosted the debate of candidates for Senate from Minnesota, which was broadcast on MPR's Midday program. The debate featured Republican incumbent Rod Grams, DFLer Mark Dayton, Independence Party candidate James Gibson, and Constitution Party candidate David Swan. MPR's Gary Eichten moderated the debate.

1st District Congressional Debate - KLSE/KZSE Rochester
October 18, 2000
MPR's Art Hughes moderated a one-hour program featuring Republican incumbent Cong. Gil Gutknecht and DFL challenger Mary Rieder.

Presidential Debate - St. Louis
October 17, 2000
Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore held their third - and final - debate. The St. Louis debate featured a town-meeting style format. The moderator was Jim Lehrer.

U.S. Senate Debate - Duluth
October 15, 2000
The three major candidates for the U.S. Senate held a debate in Duluth. Rod Grams, Mark Dayton, and James Gibson focuses on many regional issues, including the balance between protecting the environment and developing the region's economy. ( Listen - Hour One | Listen - Hour Two )

Fourth District Debate - Saint Paul
October 12, 2000
The three major candidates for congress from the 4th district debated in a forum, sponsored by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce. ( Listen)

Presidential Debate - North Carolina
October 11, 2000
Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore held their second debate On October 11. The format was more informal than the previous debate. The moderator was Jim Lehrer.

Presidential Debate - Boston
October 3, 2000
Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore held their first debate at the University of Massachusetts - Boston. The moderator was Jim Lehrer.

U.S. Senate Debate - Ham Lake
October 2, 2000
Republican incumbent Rod Grams, DFLer Mark Dayton, and Independence Party candidate James Gibson held their second debate of the general campaign season before the North-Metro Chamber of Commerce.

Sixth Congressional District Debate - Ham Lake
September 29, 2000
Incumbent Democrat Bill Luther and Republican Challenger John Kline held their first debate in an appearance before the North-Metro Chamber of Commerce.

Minor Party Presidential Candidates Debate - Saint Paul
September 28, 2000
Libertarian candidate Harry Browne, Constitution Party candidate Howard Phillips, Natural Law Party candidate John Hagelin took part in a debate, sponsored by the Minnesota Independence Party.

The First Debate - Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
September 18, 2000
James Gibson, Rod Grams, and Mark Dayton squared off face-to-face for the first time since the primary. Health care dominated the debate.
Listen | Read story

DFL Senate Candidate Debate - Fitzgerald Theater, Saint Paul
September 10, 2000
In the final debate of the primary campaign, Mike Ciresi, Mark Dayton, Jerry Janezich, and Rebecca Yanisch faced off before a live audience.
Hour One | Hour Two | Read story

Independence Party Senate Candidate Debate - MPR's Midday
September 5, 2000
Leslie Davis, James Gibson, and Buford Johnson debated on MPR's Midday program. ( Listen)

Fourth District Debate - Mn. State Fair
August 31, 2000
In separate debates, the DFL and Independence Party candidates for the Fourth District seat of Congressman Bruce Vento debated. ( Listen to Hour One | Listen to Hour Two)

DFL Senate Debate - MPR's Midday
August 11, 2000
Four major candidates for the DFL nomination for U.S. Senate debated on MPR's Midday. Jerry Janezich, Mike Ciresi, Rebecca Yanisch, and Mark Dayton engaged in a two-hour debate on the issues. ( Listen to Hour One | Listen to Hour Two)

Farmfest Forum on Rural Issues - Redwood Falls
August 2, 2000
At Farmfest, several DFL and Independence Party candidates participated in a forum to discuss rural issues in the U.S. Senate campaign in Minnesota.
Part One (Listen) | Hour Two (Listen)

Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL Debate - University of Minnesota
May 30, 2000
Listen - Hour One | Listen - Hour Two | Hear story

Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL Forum - Lucille's Kitchen - Minneapolis
May 16, 2000
A discussion of racial issues sponsored by KMOJ Radio and Insight News.

Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL Debate - St. Paul
March 10, 2000
Listen - Hour One | Listen - Hour Two | Read

Democratic Presidential Debate - New York
February 21, 2000

Democratic Presidential Debate - New Hampshire
January 26, 2000

Republican Presidential Debate - New Hampshire
January 26, 2000

Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL Debate - Mankato
January 18, 2000

Democratic Presidential Debate - Iowa
January 17, 2000

Republican Presidential Debate - Michigan
January 10, 2000

Republican Presidential Debate - South Carolina
January 7, 2000

Republican Presidential Debate - New Hampshire
January 6, 2000
John McCain, George W. Bush, Orrin Hatch, Alan Keyes, Steve Forbes, and Gary Bauer debated at the University of New Hampshire, weeks shy of the New Hampshire primary.

Democratic Presidential Debate - New Hampshire
January 5, 2000
Al Gore and Bill Bradley debated at the University of New Hampshire. Gore attacked Bradley on his health care plan. Bradley suggested Gore was a Washington "insider."